Saturday 17 October 2009

Tom interview with McFly Spain

McFly Spain was so lucky to get an interview with Tom, and talked about the Europe Tour, the new album and Tom's big "secret projects".

Last September you had your first tour of McFly in Europe…which new experiences has the European tour made you feel?
It was a really great tour and was amazing to finally play some shows for our European fans. We’re sorry it’s taken us so long to get over there but we’ll be back soon.

We’ve listened that this last tour was very succesful…Did you expect the answer of European fans as good as it was?
Everyone was really surprised by the reaction of the fans. It was exciting for us to play in front of a new crowd. It was definitely one of my favourite tours we’ve ever done.

Which was the song you enjoyed most playing live?
I like playing every single one of our songs live but If i had to choose my faves i’d pick One for the Radio, Lies and 5 colours.

Have you ever imagined you could have fans all around the world? How do you feel about it?
We’ve always said that ultimately we’d like to be the biggest band in the world. We are very ambitious! Because of the internet we get to talk to and hear from a lot of fans from all around the world but it was really amazing to get out there and see them all .

The fans over Europe have been so excited about your European tour and we’re sure that you had fun… What is the craziest and funniest thing that has happened to you during your European tour?
I walked into my hotel room window and knocked myself out for about 10 minutes. WHen I came round I’d completely forgotten what had happened!

When Dougie was ill in Cologne you played some acoustic songs like Not alone and Too close for comfort. But then, when Dougie felt better you’d continued playing those songs. Have your ever thought about make an acoustic tour? Because I think it’s a great idea and… We want to hear them live, too!
Maybe me and Danny should do a tour without the other 2! Ha, just kidding. We really enjoyed playing those old songs, I think we’ll chenge the set list up a bit next time.

Let’s ask about your visit to our country…
What your feelings were 5 minutes before the first show in Spain? What did you feel on stage on your first concert of your European tour?
For some reason I wasn’t nervous at all. We hadn’t played a gig in a little while so It was a real buzz getting out on stage and the crowd was so amazing that I got so overwhelmed and almost couldn’t sing One For The Radio…had a lump in my throat! Was a kick ass show!

Have you noticed any difference between the Spanish and the English audience?
I think the differences are mainly because that was the first time we’ve ever played in spain so there was a real energy. In England there’s a sense of familiarity and that the crowd sort of know what to expect.

Your visit to our country was very short and we’re sure you didn’t have much time to see Madrid or Barcelona (as the other European cities). Was there anything you would have liked to do, see or try, but couldn’t because of the lack of time?
We never get a chance to see much of anywhere we go. There’s so much we’d like to experience, maybe the fans can recommend some places for our next visit.

Let’s talk about your music, new album and the band… Which kind of music would you like to experiment with?
You’ll have to wait and see. We’re trying out some new things for our next album.

Which differences are going to be between the new album and the last one, Radio:Active?
It’s very different I think. We’ve never really tried to move our music on and push boundaries before but we’re really trying to do that this time. But it’s felt very effortless so far. We all knew we wanted to experiment and try taking the next album in a new direction. I think it’s really important for bands to constantly try to take things to new places. I think the fans are going to love what we’re writing at the moment.

Spanish fans want to know some curiosities…
What’s the meaning of “fun” for you?
Being in a band! It’s the most fun thing you can do with your pants on.

How do you feel when people talk to you as if they’d known you their whole lives?
It’s a little weird…but we’ve had over 6 years of practice. We’re all nice guys and when we meet fans we know they’ll probably be a little nervous so we try to make it a cool experience for them.

Did you enjoy the Spanish presents? (Fanbook and T-shirts)
LOVED them! We got some awesome presents on the last tour.

Finally, the staff wants to ask you something; it’s our fifth anniversary, so be good with us and try to give us as many details as you can! You’ve announced a change in your website, a new documentary… Is it linked to your secret projects? And if the answer is “yes”: Can you tell us something about them, please?
Nope, my lips are sealed. All I can say is that McFLY fans are going to have an amazing year next year. We’re planning things that have never been done before and it’s going to make the McFLY experience a million times more exciting for our fans all over the world.

That’s all! Thanks for your time and your patience and, of course, for coming to our country. We hope to see you again really soon.
Thanks, I hope these answers are ok, see you soon. x Tom

Credit: McFly Spain

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