Friday 23 October 2009

Danny secretly dating after all?

It seems Danny is dating someone after all! Earlier today Jason Perry (producer slash best mate red.) asked Danny on twitter if he would join him to the Lost Phrophets and Blackout concert this evening, and to give him a ring. Then - after the gig, Flecking Records let McFly Mission know that they spotted Danny at the gig where they also went to, with an unknown blonde beauty! Was it Pixie? Laura? Even Olivia? Probably not, hence the 'unknown' in the description. We are very curious to know who this mysterious girl is, but we're guessing that she'll be a pretty, hot babe with long blonde locks because that's the type he normally would go for. Once we know more, we'll let you know immediatly! Oh, and Flecking also commented on Danny's new Aston Martin! We're very keen to see some pictures of Mr Jones in his new baby aswell! Hurry up with the snapshots please!

Source & Credit: Mission McFly

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