Wednesday 7 October 2009

McFly in Rock One magazine

McFly had none less than three pages in french magazine 'Rock One'.

McFly: Back to the future in Europe
For that first ever gig in France, things had been seen a little too small. Indeed, McFly's gig was planned to be played at the Trabendo but had been moved to the Bataclan, a venue that can contain double of people!

Very Hot
Useless to say that 1500 fans were already waiting by the time we got there at 7.45pm, on the balcony, against the barriers or by the bar (well, there were mostly parents & us). Judging by the hot temperature and the sweat on our forehead, we're thinking that we wouldn't like to be on the first few rows! Everybody is wearing their all new t-shirt and lights tube just about at the merch stand, singing on the song by the Foo Fighters. It's then that we understand there are many British in the crowd (we can't imagine us French people knowing every lyrics of Dave Grohl's band), who can now only admire their favorite band in arenas as big as the Stade de France. That Parisian gig is a event for more than just us french, italia & belgium flags are hanging on each side of the balconies.

Minus an ear
8.04pm precisely, the lights are turned off and the crowd lightens. Clapping and screaming come with the appearance of Danny, Tom, Dougie and Harry (and another musician on the keyboard). In the dark, we can easily see the lightening blue bass of the bass player. Determined to make a memory of that first gig, the band start off with "One for the radio", one of their catchier songs on their latest album "Radio:Active"! It only takes 2 chords to get the crowd to react, everyone getting their phones out to get a pictures of a videos to post on the internet while jumping around on the chorus. All that singing the lyrics words for words.! On stage, the sound is impressive and we have to admit that McFly is not just a few hot guys out there thanks to a label who wants to get kids money (and god knows we know a lot of them). No, McFly is made of 4 boys whose success is due to their talent.

Best night of our life?
"Are you ready for the best night of your life?" asks Dougie at the end of that first song. The answer is evident, in spite of the few girls who have been taken out. "Everybody knows" (out of their 1st album "Room on the 3rd Floor" in 2003) and it's riff reminding us of "I believe in a thing called love" by the Darkness & "Damn if I do ya (damn if I don't)" by All Time Low comes next with the red and blue lights. Perfect moment for the crowd to become a choir, singing "Everybody Knows" on a great bridge! McFly is delighted. Danny then takes an electro acoustic guitar et start playing "Obviously", nice pop ballad that he doesn't even need to sing as the crowd s taking care of that. Then, Dougie and Tom switch spots to play "Transylvania". A darker song (from "Motion in the ocean 2006) reminding us of Danny Elfman's stuff (composer of Tim Burton's OSTs) and shows us another side of the band, more intent as it asks for a great talent. Tom nails it with the vocals while Danny is having the time of his life on amazing guitar solos. Typically the kind of song that influenced bands like Elliot Minor.

Singing Las Ketchup
McFly keeps going with the really rock song "Corrupted" and the very pop "Falling in Love", one of their last single. Fans makes hearts out of their hands! Then come "Room on the 3rd floor" and it's "na na na na'. Then come "That Girl" before what Dougie succeeds in getting the crowd to sing Las Ketchup (even the band seems taken aback by that) and during which Tom & Danny plays a little solo. Then, the keyboardist shows his talents with the intro of POV. Very emotional. ("Everyone has to look sad for the next song." says Dougie.) That song reminds us of "Stay together for the kids" by Blink 182 for some reasons and is punctuated of amazing lights explosion on the chorus. One of the best out of the whole set. The lights are one of the most important aspects of a McFly gig. Dougie introduces "Star Girl": "That song is about when I fell in love with an alien and wet my pants." Blink 182 influences are once again obvious. As for the song, it's one of the biggest hit of the band so far.

All naked
Dougie and Harry walk off of stage, leaving only Danny and Tom with their guitars on stage. "Oh my god, it's hot here! Let's get naked!" chuckles Danny. They then play an acoustic set, revealing Danny's & Tom's voices perfect harmony. The friendship is obvious on their faces. Perfect. 3 songs later (including "Too close for comfort" that Danny admits not having played often lately), Harry and Dougie come back on stage. Dougie tries to speak french and tells us that he hates libraries before screaming a "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?" (ndlt: It was Tom who sung that line, not Dougie) And the music? The band plays a beautiful "All About you" and leaves the stage.

1h20 after the beginning of the show, time for the encore with Lies. The 4 guys come back shirtless. The venue has never been louder. Even a little cocky, the McFly guys remains jokers. Harry shows off his muscles by climbing on his drum kit before greeting the crowd with a "You are the best audience we've ever played for!". To end the gig, the band plays "Five Colours in her hair”, the big hit of the band that only the true McFly fans can know. It's now 9.30pm and the gig is over. They event kept all of their promises.

Thanks to Gerney on for the translation!

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