Tuesday 5 January 2010

Spanish Articles

In the Spanish Yo Soy Black and the Star 2 there are articles about McFly. You can find the translations for the articles underneath. Thanks to Mateo for them and thanks toMcFly Spain for the scans.

Yo Soy Black:

Speaking with McFly!!!
„We thought that in Spain neither Peter would know us“
To celebrate their “come back” we had contact them. The call was really expensive but we pay so much, we need to hear their voices…

Suddenly you don’t stop coming to Spain… what do you like about Spain ??
McFly: we love how passionate our fans are here, we thought that here none know us but we were wrong.

The first time you came the fans trough Tangas and handcuffs at you, what did you do with all this stuff??
McFly: we took them home, Dougie has taken the suxual toys , and the rest we shared it out…

And… Were there indecent proposals from the fans ??
McFly: hahaha, some!! But I wont tell you if we accepted them or not…

Urchins!! You promised that the Cd would come in the beginning of 2010…
McFly: The new one? So that was a lie, we had already recorded some bases but we have a lot of work to do yet, you´ll get it at the end of the year…

And, how will be it?
McFly: Absolutely GENIAL!!!

You haven’t grandmother , do you ??
McFly: so is it!! It is different as all what we made so far, we have a challenge and it is surprise all of our fans and we are sure that we’ll going to accomplish it…

Sure youll do it!!What do you best like of McFly?
Harry: the best of McFly is that we’re handsome, sincere, discrete, and sweet just like me. The worst thing is Danny. He is ugly and smells really bad, isn’t he??

Nooo! He is super handsome too!!

Who complains most in a tour ??
Mcfly: all of us!! But in a positive sense, when we play we are happy so we can not too much complain.

Who calls most your mother ??
McFly: Dougie, he is “in love”

The most presumptuous of you?

McFly: ohh, that’s Danny. He always carry a lot of bags just for his shoes .

So is it !!! what would you do if you weren’t in the band ?

Mcfly: Harry would be forest guard, Danny garbage collector, Tom flight attendant and Dougie photograph.

Star 2:

McFly.After our first meeting in Madrid we took the telephone up and we talked with them .

“Singing in Spanish would be funny”

Star2: Hey guys! We loved your direct in the “under 18” how was your impression??
McFly: Buah, that was incredible we didn’t knew we have so much fans, we were just impressed when we saw this lots of people there were .

Star2: are the Spanish girls too diferents as the English girls?
McFly: it is complicated to know but the Spanish girls gave us an incredible energy, maybe because they were too happy to see us for the first time there.

Radio: ACTIVE has just released in our country. Which song do you love to sing live ??
McFly: we love “one for the radio” and “falling in love” we love to see the good reactions of the people when we sing.

Star2: you told us that you are already working in you new album…
McFly: Yes, but we cant tell you more, we have a lot of work to do yet. You must wait until summer to get it , but you will see how good it going to be .

Star2: Are you sure ?What are you planning?
McFly: we want to surprise you all, that will be something original and totally different to all what we made so far.

Star2: do you really want to do a new version from Enrique Iglesias?
McFly: we always want to do everything but that’s not always possible, we don’t know hahah… but I think that singing in Spanish would be really funny!.

Star2: What do you think was better: to hear “star girl” in the space or to play with the Jonas??
McFly: to play with them was really cool this guys are pretty good, that from the space was like a dream came true for us.

Star2: if you must add a new member to you band who would be ?
McFly: we would like to sing with a girl but Michael Buble with his voice wold be a great member. Isn’t he??

Star2: Ok Guys now the biggest question. Are you coming soon again to Spain ?
McFly: Sure at December the 2nd will give again a concert in Madrid we hope to see again all of you again with the same passion like in September!!!

Credit: McFly Spain & Mission McFly Germany

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