Monday 11 January 2010

Dan Walkers blog

The wonder of Wembley

I was playing in a side made up largely of Reverend and The Makers. Hairy frontman Jon "The Reverend" McClure had driven a mini-bus down from Sheffield with five other band members in it. Simon Webbe, of Blue fame, and Danny from McFly were playing up front while two lads from Umbro made up the 11.

4. When Danny from McFly rattled in our fourth goal, I went to celebrate with him but got slightly distracted and missed with the right hand of an attempted double high-five. Instead of the intended palm-on-palm action, I inserted by thumb in his right eye, forcing him to leave the pitch. Not quite Steve Morrow but still pretty nasty.

Read the whole thing here.

Credit: Super Records & McFly Portugal

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