Tuesday 4 May 2010

Dougie & Frankie getting married?!

Dougie Poynter and Frankie Sandford may have only just got back together, but apparently wedding bells are in the air.

According to the Daily Star, friends of the pair reckon it’s only a matter of days before they pair get engaged.

The friend reportedly told them: “They split up because their hectic schedules meant they were finding it hard to find time to see each other.”

“But while they were apart they spent most of the time on the phone to each other. They realised they can’t live apart any longer.”

The pair had been together for over a year before breaking up for six weeks.

The friend added: “They plan to get engaged and hope to be married before Christmas.

“They are determined not to let work get in the way.”

Both are currently working on new material with their bands – Dougie with McFly, and Frankie with The Saturdays.

Read the article here.

Dougie & Frankie ARE back together

Frankie Sandford has confirmed that she and Dougie Poynter are back together.

The Saturdays girl and the McFly boy are giving it another go after splitting up earlier this year.

Since their split the pair have been linked to various other people – Frankie to Aston Merrygold (JLS), Calum Best and even Cheryl Cole’s husband Ashley Cole, and Dougie to Frankie’s ex band mate and 2009 X Factor wannabe Stacy McClean.

Well now Frankie has confirmed to Mirror.co.uk that they ARE back together.

Frankie reportedly said: “I am back with Dougie but we’re taking it slow. I couldn’t look at the pictures of me crying in the Mayfair Hotel and it’s so embarrassing to know people have seen them. Everyone keeps saying how pleased they are we’re back together.”

Read the article here.

Monday 3 May 2010

Dougie spotted!

It’s not often you bump into one of the members of McFly whilst out in Camden, but it happened to one of our Fleckers this weekend.

On Friday night, our spy was out partying at a rock club when Dougie appeared looking rather worse for wear!

He blended in well in the crowd, ordered one drink, and then went home! However he did look like he had been drinking the night away already. A few girls approached him and screamed telling him how much they loved his band. Dougie’s reply was simply a nod, whilst he was swaying from side to side.

Ah, even the rich and famous like to get drunk and sweat it out in a hot rock club. Keep it up Dougie!

Read the article here.

Dougie & Frankie holding hands

Frankie Sandford and Dougie Poynter have been papped holding hands on a night out.

The pair split up earlier this year, but met up for the first time earlier this month.

They have been spotted together several times since, most recently leaving Punk nightclub in Soho, hand in hand.

Click here to see the photos.

You can read the article here.

Vote for McFly to play at swedish festival!

You can vote here.
You can only vote once tho, so make sure you do it right ;)

Tom hurt his ankle

Check out this photo of Tom Fletcher’s injured ankle! Ouch!

Poor Tom! The McFly boy was playing football tonight and twisted his ankle.

He tweeted: “Oh dear…twisted my ankle at football”.

He described his ankle as “slightly swollen” but it looks pretty damn swollen to us – we think that maybe he was being sarcastic.

So what does the night hold for poor Tom? A lengthy wait for an X-ray.

Feel better soon Tom.

Update: Tom tweeted to say that the doctor said his injury was a “very bad sprain” and also that she took the mick out of his star tattoo.

Read the article here.

McFly clothing line?

A lot of recently taken photographs of McFly trying on different outfits are circulating the web. Fans speculate this might be one of the always talked about ’secret projects’ and has might have something to do with a McFly clothing line.

It was already one of the possibilities; Tom and Dougie frequently speak of their secret projects on Twitter. A clothing line might be a possibility, since Dougie talked about how he was getting more into the fashion scene.

At the beginning of this week McFly attended a shoot, a photoshoot highly likely. They wouldn’t let anything slip, but for one picture of the shoot itself. Dougie tweeted about how many clothes and ‘props’ he brought so, putting the pieces together, some McFly fans are convinced it has something to do with a clothing line.

Meanwhile McFly’s album is nearly finished (finally), and the band are busy rehearsing their new songs and going to the gym (to buff up for new album cover?). We can’t wait to hear something new from them!

Read the article here, and also put in a vote on the "Would you buy McClothing?" poll.

ps: personally we think it (the clothes) also could be just for a photoshoot or for a music video for one or two songs from their new album, but we'll see.. Hopefully we'll know the truth soon enough!

Harry no longer single?

Earlier we heard rumours about Harry being single and so on, but according to Flecking Records, this might not be true any longer.. Seems like they may have found back to eachother, something we're happy to hear!

Here's what the article said:

We’ve been writing about Frankie and Dougie so much, we completely lost sight of the other McFly lads and their love lives. It seems that it’s not just Dougie who has been caught up in relationship horror…

Drummer Harry Judd is very keen on his privacy and it has surely helped him stay out of the public eye, unlike bandmembers like Dougie and Danny who seem to be talked about constantly. Harry was forever dating Izzy Johnston, violinist in group Escala, until December last year. Rumours about a break up never really reached the surface, until secret-spoiler Dallas Austin wrote about it in one of his blogs. April 2nd Dallas wrote, “Harry didn’t get to come last time, some bullshit about a broken heart or something but he is in Atlanta in full effect.”

So after assuming the couple had broken up, fans were disturbed when a few pictures of last weekend popped up on the internet. Photos of a barbecue at Danny’s house showed Izzy getting close with Harry, not to mention Frankie getting close with Dougie again!

You can read the article here.

Thursday 29 April 2010

We're back.. Kinda..

First of all, sorry for the lack of news on this blog. It's not because there havent been any news, cause there has been a lot, but we've been busy with school and other obligations. But we're back now, and gonna try keep it up with all the news, but we still got school, exams and other stuff still.

To make it easier for us, we're just gonna start blogging the latest news, and post links to the older ones (which you guys probably already read...) down below.

Band/album news:
As for album news, we're gonna try and do a follow up, and collect all the things that havent already been mentioned on this blog, so stay tuned!

Dougie & Frankie news:
There are of course many more articles on this, but these explain the most of it.

Random news:

    Saturday 13 February 2010

    Uh-Oh… Busted!! Guess what Dougie is hiding behind his back?

    When we caught up with McFly bassist Dougie Poynter strolling through Soho in London the other night we couldn’t help but notice he was keen to hide something behind his back, but what was it? Was it…
    A – A bunch of roses

    B – A cheeky fag

    C – A grot mag

    Oh decisions, decisions, decisions….

    The answer was unfortunately not ‘C’ it was of course ‘B’, he was trying to avoid being papped smoking as he left Punk nightclub with a male pal. How boring.

    See the pictures and read the article here.

    Pixie spammed with willies thanks to Dougie

    Pixie Lott has been bombarded with porn, and it’s all Dougie Poynter’s fault.

    “It was disgusting. Dougie from McFly started it off by asking his fans to send me dirty snaps,” she told the Mirror.

    “They totally got me. I clicked open these pictures on my Twitter account and it was all a bit weird. Some people were really extreme and I just thought, ‘Ok I’m not going to look any more.’ I’ve seriously got to get McFly back.”

    This is all because Dougie Tweeted “Everyone send pictures of male genitalia to @pixiesongs” last month, followed by an @reply to Pixie asking “Did you get some lovely pictures of willys sent to you?”

    Pixie did Tweet Dougie back at the time, and luckily she took it as it was probably intended – as a joke.

    She replied “Thanks yes I got a few delights that I refrained from viewing haha”

    We wonder what her revenge will be…

    Read the article here.

    Tom about McFly's future

    We’re all excited for McFly’s next release, even more so because the details are few and far between. Well today Tom has mentioned it again…

    When you’re stuck in traffic it gives you time to think, and that’s exactly what McFly’s Tom Fletcher did today.

    Sitting in the jam, Tom thought about the band, the last album, the next album… and then shared his thoughts with his 195,000+ army of Twitter followers.

    “I know it’s been almost 2 years since [Radio:Active] but it’s going to be worth the wait!”

    Before adding in a somewhat cheesy fashion: “Over the next few months you’ll find out what we’ve been preparing for you. The future for Mcfly is about to change… and Mcfly are about to change the future.”

    Read the article here.

    Georgia happy Danny was booted off

    We’re kind of getting used to the idea of Danny Jones not being liked enough by the British public, but it’s still a weird scenario to us. We would’ve loved Danny to continue on the TV show Popstar To Operastar and maybe even see him win in the end, but it seems a certain girlfriend was relieved when Danny was booted off the reality show.

    Very understandably, Danny’s full-on girlfriend Georgia Horsley, said, “I’ve got my Danny back.”

    We could imagine how his opera practice, his McFly work, taking care of two dogs and working out got in the way of spending time with Georgia. She was hoping to make up for lost time by going on a holiday, but sadly she can wave bye-bye to that.

    Dallas Austin, American songwriter, record producer and musician, has worked with McFly a couple of months ago when Tom, Danny and Dougie went to Atlanta. Tomorrow Dallas is catching a plane to London and will spend some time with the lads again to finish off some songs and perhaps start some new ones. McFly’s new album is set to launch July – August 2010.

    Read the article here.

    Tuesday 9 February 2010

    McFlys secret projects

    All of this is written by Kel @SuperRecords, so all credit goes to her.


    What do we know about McFlys' secret projects?
    According to an interview that Danny did with Heat, Tom has a secret project and Dougie has a secret project.
    I think Tom's project is something to do with a musical. I know in a Japanese magazine last year he mentioned doing a musical, or something to do with a musical. Or I think maybe Tom's working on a soundtrack for a film/TV show. There were some rumours on EMI Spain's website (the music company EMI helps distribute McFly's music in Spain) about the lads doing something to with the movie 'Dragonball' (I don't know is this is the film series based on Dragonball Z) by Fox film company. Apparently Fox have said that they're not working on any projects with McFly. However, Dallas Austin is doing some sort of music driven film for Warner Brothers film company (according to Wikipedia). Coincidence?

    I have a hunch, and I could be completely wrong, that Dougie's secret project is nothing to do with music. I think it's to do with a clothing line. I heard something ages ago that Dougie was supposed to working with Hurley (might've been another company) to have his own range (like Lily Allen did with New Look). This could be true because in 2008 Dougie and Harry were like walking advertisements for Hurley, they wore their hoodies and T-shirts so much! And as much as Dougie's come on in terms of songwriting and growing more confident as a performer (remember how shy he was at the start of McFly?) I can't see him wanting to do a solo music project. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm doubting his abilities, but I think he prefers to have his bandmates behind him with stuff like that.

    Dougie said on 31st January 'That is all my friends. Secret project number 1 will be in a few weeks. Ba mush ba x'

    I think another project that the band is doing as a group is something for Sports Relief. This would explain the football Mondays, all the running they've been doing. If they are doing something for Sports Relief, it would explain why they've had to be so secretive about it. Let's be honest, charity is the only reason Dougie would do anything like exercise haha! And it also kinda matches their timing for a comeback? Ant, Frankie, Gi and Carrie have also tweeted about running. Family affair or what?

    Before the UK tour McFly had recorded drums, bass and most of the guitar on 12 songs (although Tom later said 9 songs on twitter, he told me 12 on myspace), but with the vocals to records after the tour. They or Tom at least were still working on the lyrics during the tour because they hadn't even been finished! They'd written and recorded the music side but not the words. But as we know Tom was ill with tonsilitis after UCATTIP so I assumed the studio sessions got called off to preserve his voice for South America. McFly still hadn't finished writing lyrics by the time they got back to the UK. Tom said they had another big bunch of songs to start recording mid summer 2009.

    According to an article on Digital Spy some time last year, the album is supposed to have a science-fiction theme. Dougie said, "It will absolutely kick ass - it is going to blow your heads off. The whole concept of the album is really cool. It's more the story we've been working on, think McFly meets The Forbidden Planet."

    But from what I heard, halfway through 2009, apparently McFly found a new 'sound', one that they said was better than the one that they had been working on, so they changed musical 'paths' and decided to work on that new style. I don't know if this means that they completely abandoned the songs that they had been working on, or whether they've managed to apply their new style to them or what. I think this might actually be true though because I know that a lot of the stuff that they're doing in 2010 has been delayed by a couple of months. The rumoured UK tour for example was supposed to be happening in March. But the fans that met McFly while they were in America with Dallas said the lads said the tour was now happening in October.

    There was a rumour that the album was going to be called 'Take That'. Tom said this isn't true. Unfortunately. I would actually pay McFly to name their album that.

    There's a new song called 'Hotel On A Hill' and it's mostly piano.

    There were two oldish rumours are that McFly were doing a rap with a proper rapper from America. At first I thought this was a load of rubbish but then they hooked up with Taio Cruz (who I know is British). McFly have written ten tracks with him and are hoping that he's going to produce one. And then they went across to America to work with Dallas Austin. Dallas and maybe his friend Naz Tokio, are supposed to flying across to the UK to work on four or five songs. It's hopefully going to be this month (February) but we'll see. Now that Danny's out of Popstar To Operastar it means he's completely free pretty much to work solely on McFly stuff. Two of the rumoured tracks done with Dallas are called 'Foolish' and 'Mona Lisa', but that's just speculation based on their conversations on twitter. Also that one of the 'Folloish' song lyrics might be '...foolish to let misery...'

    The other oldish rumour was that McFly were trying to do a duet with a female solo singer. Apparently the management wanted Kelly Clarkson but it wasn't looking like it was going to happen. I've heard nothing more on that.

    Danny's housemate Ant Brant, Tom's sister Carrie and Danny's sister Vicky have been in the studio with Tom, Danny and Jason. I don't know if this is for their own solo stuff or if that's anything to do with McFly.

    Here's some other stuff that Tom's said about album tracks:
    1. One of the songs begins with the word/abbreviation 'I've'. Which is an awful lot to go on.
    2. One of the songs is apparently the greatest love song ever. Tom said it was at least until he started singing on it ha ha
    3. One of the songs is like Star Girl, in that it's about female aliens but it's a lot more subtle than Star Girl.
    4. And there's also the 'feel-good' song of summer.
    5. Another song according to @tommcfly - '...It's about doing bad things and leading people down the weird, dark, scary path...'

    The album is supposed to be inspired by Michael Jackson and Prince. The Daily Star revealed this 'exclusively' on 5th February 2010. Unfortunately it was also in another Japanese interview that Tom did, which was published back in August 2009. Exclusive my fanny.

    Danny wants to work with Meat Loaf

    Danny Jones wants to work with Meat Loaf… well it’s no more surprising than McFly working with Taio Cruz.

    The McFly guitarist has apparently become close to the show judge in a series of backstage chats – according to The Sun.

    Danny said: “Meat Loaf’s a lovely guy. He always comes and talks to me.

    “It’d be amazing to work with him – how cool would that be? Meat, can I be on your new album please?”

    “I’d like to see him do some kind of opera single. I believe he is opera-trained. It would be awesome.”

    Danny also spoke about his band mates. He reckons Harry Judd could do opera – but isn’t so sure about Dougie Poynter or Tom Fletcher.

    He said of this week’s workout: “Harry was the best, I truly believe he could be an opera singer.

    “He properly got into it. Dougie struggled and Tom couldn’t roll his Rs so he’s got no chance.”

    We’d love to see Danny duet with Meat Loaf, can someone make this happen please?

    Read the article here.

    Danny booted off Popstar To Operastar

    What an evening! The TV show Popstar To Operastar is still all over Twitter as we speak – it’s in the worldwide trending topics, in the UK trending topics 3 times and in the Brazilian trending topics twice! But this wasn’t such a happy evening for everybody…

    It’s quite obvious he was the most popular contestant, but reason for the Twitter popstar-to-operastar-mania has to do with the loss of Danny Jones. That’s right, Danny, McFly, was voted off the show tonight. After being in the bottom-two last week, Danny managed to make it through another week because all of the judges wanted Danny to stay. This week, it was Marcella vs Danny and after judges voted, it was a tie.

    In the end, Marcella had the most votes and Danny was voted off. But with a smile and a dance with Alan Titmarsh! He knows how to make an exit, that’s for sure!

    Are you gutted Danny had to leave? We’re pretty sure the show will lose many of its younger viewers.

    Will you keep watching the show now that Danny is gone?

    Read the article and vote here.

    Danny's last round in PSTOS (Videos)

    McFly are working on a new sound

    McFly are ditching their guitar sound for a “Prince meets Jacko” style re-invention.

    “We’ve got the material and are building up the McFly massacre.

    “The album’s an absolute killer. It’s got a Prince and Michael Jackson influence.” Danny told the Daily Star.

    McFly are creating their new album with Taio Cruz and producer Dallas Austin.

    Danny added: “Taio’s a really cool guy. We’ve written tracks with him and we’re now trying to get him to produce one. It was awesome working with Dallas as he’s a bit of a party boy – he thinks he’s our fifth member.”
    “He’s coming over to the UK to produce four or five of the songs.”

    We can’t wait to hear what they come up with!

    Read the article here.

    Danny answers YOUR questions!

    Earlier Heat posted a short article where fans could send in questions to Danny, and they would pick out some for him to answer. Down below is the outcome of it, a new article with the answers.

    Danny Jones is used to being on a stage surrounded by his three McFly bandmates and clutching a guitar, so it must be an odd transition for him to step out onto the stage on his lonesome every Friday night and sing opera. Still, being Danny, he's taken it all in his stride and is actually doing an amazing job. When we met him yesterday for a chat at the London Studios he looked exhausted, yes, but full of enthusiasm for the challenge ahead. "I'm dreaming opera," he admitted. "It's taken over my life!" We also found out a tiny bit of info about those secret projects, but Danny wasn't giving much away. "The album will be summer time," he said. "There's a couple of secret projects. Tom's got one, Dougie's got one. I need to get one! Harry's just learning his drums every day, that's his secret project." Danny's the only one of the Popstar To Operastar contestants to have screaming girls in the audience every week, and he can't thank his fans enough. As promised, we asked him as many of your questions as we could, even though most of them were about him getting naked! Read the full interview below and make sure you tune in to watch Danny in action tonight. You might even spot an excited heatworlder or two in the audience...

    NickyLovesMcFly asks: What's the hardest thing about singing opera?

    The language, definitely. It's getting the placement and the Italian that are my weaknesses.

    skyfullofstars asks: What's it like backstage on PSTOS? Does everyone get along well or is there a bit of rivalry?

    At first, we used to all get a bit of lunch and have dinner together, but as it's got more serious we stay in our dressing rooms and practice. It's getting more intense now. Everyone's really nice, it's fine.

    McFrankie asks: What's your definition of swoon?

    Jude Law is swoon. He walks past girls and they're like...phwoar. I didn't know what swoon meant at first.

    PascaleDeBom asks: Do you think you're achieving your goal to make opera music cool?

    YES! If you go and see a good opera it's like watching an amazing musical. Opera seems really intimidating. I really wanna go, I'm going to start going. Maybe they'll ask me to be in one...?

    McFloor asks: If you could have a super-power for one day, what would it be?

    This week...to be the best opera singer ever! [Laughs.] I'd like to be the strongest man in the world, but to go and break up fights. I'd go into riots and go...'NO'. I'd love to have the power to just stop a thousand men.

    PascaleDeBom asks: Does having the other McFly boys in the audience every week distract you?

    When I'm singing I don't really look because I'm in the moment, but around the show I always look at them and give them high-fives and stuff. It's quite funny.

    skyfullofstars asks: What's the one thing that makes you smile?

    The boys trying to sing opera! They are funny - and they're all rubbish. I didn't have enough time to teach them, really. I just put them through the paces and what I've been through, like, fish impressions and stuff [stops and opens and closes his mouth like a fish]. You have to do a lot of that in opera.

    paulaamorimf asks: How is your throat doing with all the singing?

    I am feeling a bit under the weather today. I'm getting aches, I've got a sore throat and my ears are blocked. I dunno what's wrong with me. I think I'm just getting a bit run down.

    Loreeen asks: What are the 5 things you can't live without?

    Something I can do without is my dog s****ing on my kitchen floor! He just doesn't get it. Wee outside, dude! Anyway, what are the five things I can't live without? Music! Family...erm...my toaster. Sex, because that's natural for a man. And...Vanilla lattes.
    heatworld: Not McFly?!
    Oh...s**t! Can I have six? Or McFly and sex on the same line.

    RebeccaMasters asks: You're pretty busy at the moment, rehearsing for PSTOS and keeping up with McFly and arranging future plans. How do you manage to cope with it all?

    It's quite tough, actually. I try to fit in McFly because we've just started to record. You're up at 9, you're here till 5, then you go home and have dinner and by that time it's like 6/7 and you just sort of wanna chill. I've not even been going to the gym or anything, which I wanna do. I did fit in football in the other night.

    NikiNoo asks: How do you get your teeth so perfect?

    Teeth?! They're not perfect. I've got a little invisible brace, can you see it? [Opens his mouth wide so we can peer in.]
    heatworld: Um, no...

    StarGirlALA asks: What's the thing you're most proud of?

    The new McFly album. We've got the materials and now we're just building it. The McFly massacre!

    ShaunaLee asks: Describe your PSTOS experience in one word.


    carolineeilovemcfly asks: Will McFly get naked on the next tour? PLEASE!!

    We'll only get naked if I get time to go to the gym before the tour. The boys have been working out without me while I've been doing the opera. I need to catch up - I've lost my six-pack!

    LetitSnow asks: Would you turn a McFly song into an opera-McFly song?

    It would be quite cool, that. With this new secret project, there's going to be opportunities for stuff like that. For stuff like that it's going to be great.

    keetkeets asks: How much would you charge if I were to hire you to sing opera?

    I dunno. Because I'm out of my comfort zone I'd have to double my price. Depends how many songs, too. Hiring the whole band would cost 90 grand...in cash!

    Read the article here.

    Saturday 30 January 2010

    Danny, Popstar to Operastar article

    After the public vote placed him and McFly singer Danny Jones in the bottom two, all four judges – Katherine Jenkins, Meat Loaf, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Villazon – decided Danny deserved to stay another week.

    Following the decision, an emotional Jimmy said: ‘My opera dreams have just begun. What a blast this has been. I’m going to go home and see my beautiful wife and four kids – they are opera to me.

    ‘Opera is empowering, it’s exciting and it’s a way of getting in touch with your inner emotions. I have fallen in love with every person while taking part in this show.’

    Jones looked relieved at having been chosen to stay, particularly following a botched dress rehearsal earlier in the day where he had forgotten his lyrics.

    But his visit to English opera star Russell Watson earlier in the week had clearly helped him, as he wowed his screaming fans with a performance of Con Te Partirò (Time To Say Goodbye).

    Read the whole article here.

    Video interview

    McFly interview with Los 40 Principales Spain

    PSTOS Vids (Backstage + Performances)

    Danny backstage at the first PSTOS show with Vanessa from The Saturdays.

    First show: La Donna E Mobile

    Second show: Caruso

    Third show: Time To Say Goodbye

    Danny on 'This Morning'

    Danny, Popstar to Operastar

    McFly singer Danny Jones impressed with his rendition of Caruso by Dalla.
    Singing in Italian, the 23-year-old frontman delivered a mature performance of the love song, which Katherine said afterwards made her 'swoon'.

    Villazon told him: 'That was a dangerous piece because it would have been easy to sing it like a popstar, but you kept it opera throughout.'
    He added he was 'proud' of the performance after a relieved Danny said he was just relieved to have got it over with

    Read the whole article here.

    McFly to sign deal with Universal?

    POP-ROCK pups McFLY made much of leaving their major label home 18 months ago to set up their own record company.
    The quartet sunk hundreds of thousands of pounds of their own money into Super Records and their album Radio:ACTIVE saw them find success in Australia and South America.

    Now they're in the final stages of signing a deal with Universal, the parent company of their former Island records stable, which will see the global giant help them distribute and promote their product overseas.

    Meanwhile TOM, DANNY, DOUGIE and HARRY have roped in a shock producer for their latest disc. Instead of the rock folk they've collaborated with in the past, they've been working with R&B producer DALLAS AUSTIN.

    Austin has previously worked with MICHAEL JACKSON, PINK and TLC.

    What a weird hook-up.

    Read the article here.

    Danny set to rap?

    Singing in the shower, missing the McFly boys and a future in rap - get the gossip from Mr Jones' live chat

    When we wrenched rising operatic star Danny Jones from rehearsals and sat him down at a laptop for a chat with you all, he was quick to quash queries regarding a potential solo career.

    "It would suck to be a solo artist," he wrote. "I miss the boys being beside me."

    Awww. And that's not the only thing Danny finds hard when he's warbling in front of the nation.

    "The hardest thing is learning the Italian," he added. "It's sooooo hard, especially when your from Bolton!"

    Quick as a flash, sparks flew across keyboards everywhere, as you all delved into ways that Danny could practice behind closed doors.

    And he wasn't afraid to admit his top secret tactics.

    "I have sung opera in the shower," he revealed. "I recommend it because not only do you think you sound amazing because of all the echo, but the steam is good for your voice."

    You heard it here first people.

    And the crowd went wild for the steam-enhanced high notes when Danny belted out his first operatic number.

    And now that he's mastered the art of vibrato, could we tempt the star to branch out into yet another challenging genre?

    "I would like to try... er, rapping!" he replied, with a glint in his eye.

    And that, Danny Jones fans, is a whole other show.

    Read the article here.

    Another Danny article

    MCFLY’S Danny Jones has started a dirty tricks campaign to get rival Vanessa White kicked off new reality show Popstar To Opera Star.

    The cheeky chap admitted bribing the rest of The Saturdays to vote for him and not their bandmate.

    Danny, who moaned he looks like a baboon when he sings classically, joked: “I’ve already got Frankie on my side. It’s turning into a boy band v girl band opera war.”

    His plan almost worked as the brilliant Vanessa narrowly missed the chop after being in Friday’s bottom two. The poor lass told us: “This is the scariest thing I have done."

    “I felt like I was missing each limb without the other girls on stage.”

    Read the article here.

    Surely he must've said that as a joke.

    Danny talks Popstar to Opera Star

    As well as Danny McFly talking about his Miss England girlfriend Georgia Horsley, this week Danny has also been chatting about his stint as an opera singer on ITV 1's prime time reality effort, Popstar to Opera Star.

    Danny says he's been working extremely hard for the show and that it's completely different to performing with McFly. "When I'm in McFly, I've got a guitar and my mates. It seems easy looking back at it now. With opera, you've got to sing from your eyes and your nose - it's like learning to sing again."

    Danny said vocal coach Katherine Jenkins is a "perfectionist...you wouldn't mess about with her". He also commented on his competition, saying rival Vanessa from The Saturdays "is a lovely girl with an ace voice.", calling Bernie Nolan a "dark horse" and that Jimmy Osmond is "classic, so lovely and down to earth."

    On Friday's debut show, Danny was the first singer to be put through. Blur guitarist Alex James and Vanessa received the lowest amount of votes and as a result were in the bottom two. After equal votes from the judges, it went to who collected the highest amount of public votes, and Vanessa was saved. We know all you Fleckster's are supporting Danny, as are we, and we wish him the best of luck in the coming weeks, and hope he hits those high notes!

    Read the article here.

    Danny wants to make 'opera cool'

    Danny Jones, singer and guitarist in McFly, is taking a break from his usual style of music by trying out opera in new reality show Popstar To Opera Star. He'll be battling for survival every week against fellow singers like Kym Marsh, Vanessa White and Alex James. He says he's keen to take the classical genre to his younger fans.

    Why did you want to do the show?

    I've sort of messed about with opera before and never really took it seriously. It got on to some documentaries on the DVDs and it was always a mess about with the lads. My manager rang me up and said, 'You'll never guess, this opportunity's come up and it's to be an opera singer.' I said, 'Are you kidding me? I can't do that it's ridiculous.'

    I spoke to the boys about it and they were like, 'Mate, do it, it'll be classic.' Normally we're on holiday now, so there's not much going on for McFly in January. So I thought I'd take the challenge and see what happens.

    How much of a challenge is this?

    It's a massive challenge. Not only is it a different style of singing, it's a different genre. It's totally out of my comfort zone. I'm going to be on my own with an orchestra. Not only that but it's going to be live on ITV at 9 O'clock, so no pressure.

    Do you enjoy opera?

    I do now, I didn't really know much about it before. It's always been there and I've messed about with it, had a laugh with it. I actually really enjoy it and it's opened me up to new music. It's amazing music.

    Will you wear a tux?

    No, I've specifically said I don't really want to go down that route. I want to make it appeal to my fans and bring these old sort of characters into the modern world - and make it a bit cooler, without trying too hard though. I just want to make it appeal to my fans the best way I can.

    Do you think it will help with McFly?

    I've never been taught how to sing. It just happened. And for six years we've being done tours and never lost it, never missed a show because I've lost my voice so it just sort of works.

    To get in to learning opera and getting actual teachers to teach me… I've been doing all sorts of stuff, laying on the floor whilst singing, being massaged. It's really interesting and I think it'll really help my vocals.

    Are the boys behind you?

    Yeah, Tom loves it. I think Tom would do it if they asked him to do it again. They're all behind me. Harry rang me the other day. He's away at the minute. He said, 'Mate, I'm so sorry I can't be there. I've gone on holiday and I'm missing the first show. Good luck.'

    Tom is obviously getting everyone to vote for me and I've got his support. He tweets more than me about it.

    When will we hear more from McFly?

    A McFly album will be coming soon, I don't know when. We think late summer-ish. It's all in talk at the minute, it's very exciting for us.

    You've been away writing have you?

    Yeah and planning lots of projects. We've been writing with the likes of Dallas Austin who did TLC, Pink, Monica, worked with Anastasia, Katy Perry.

    So it's really interesting for us to work with that sort of partnership because we've never done it before. We could be the safe McFly and write the songs we do and keep being safe but then we want to take it to that next step and be more adventurous. So that's what we're doing this year.

    Read the article here.

    Danny LOVES TV talent shows

    McFly’s Danny Jones has admitted that he loves TV talent shows, which is lucky really when you consider that he’s about to star in one.

    Danny will compete in ITV’s Popstar To Operastar which launches this Friday night and talking about shows in this genre he admitted:

    “They’re just great entertainment. It’s all live, and the audience love the thrill of that. As a performer, there is also the fear of messing up and showing yourself up. Do I have that fear? Not yet!”

    “I’m just thrilled to be involved with Popstar to Operastar. I think it could introduce opera to a whole new audience. I’m hoping to make opera cool!”

    Read the article here.

    You know what? We think he might actually be able to do it!

    Danny in magazine

    Five things you should know about McFly’s Danny Jones:

    1. The 23 year old is ’sh*tting himself’ about taking part in Popstar to Operastar.‘I know nothing about Opera,’ he revelas.‘At first i said “No way am I doing that”.But i’m doing it for the challange.’

    2. He doesn’t get angry very often, but when he does it’s normally over his housemate ‘not leaving the kitchen tidy’.

    3. McFly are busy writing: ‘ We’ve been working with R&B producer Dallas Austin, who’s done Katy Perry.We want to blow you away.’

    4. He’s mates with Elton John! ‘ We went for dinner round Elton’s house,’ he tells us.‘We got on with him well and he even sent me a Christmas card.’

    5. He’s still dating Miss England 2007 Georgia Horsley. ‘She’s so cute,’ he tells us. ‘The other day she put the TV on mute, so she could listen to me practising my singing.’

    Danny: Georgia is the one

    McFly boy (and our new favourite Opera Star) Danny Jones has finally broken his silence on the whole Georgia Horsley goings on.

    A word of warning Danny fans, this is going to sting - not only has he confirmed that they are together, he says Georgia is 'the one'.

    Speaking to the News Of The World, Danny spoke in detail about his recent love antics.

    "I guess it's obvious what my type is - big, blonde girls. My mates thought it was cool."

    Danny insists that he is no love rat, just having fun. We're sure long term girlfriend Olivia Shaw had loads of fun when he dumped her for his first Miss England Laura Coleman. Not.

    "I felt s*** for hurting the others but I'm not a cheat,"

    "But Georgia is the one - she's epic."

    "I left it badly with her [Olivia]," he admits. "You write songs about these things. When you're scared of breaking up with someone, you ask for some space instead.

    "So that's what I did and we were having space when I went to South Africa."

    And that, boys and girls, is when he snogged Laura during a night out.

    "That happened and I was like, 'I need to get out of this with Olivia'. It was an awkward situation because I had wanted to break up anyway but I didn't have the balls. So I'd asked for space, then I went and had a f****** great time in South Africa.

    "I know I probably broke her heart. I haven't had mine broken before but I can imagine how it feels." - oh we're sure you can Danny.

    But Danny isn't a love rat... because he claims he was never actually going out with Laura.

    He recalls: "I did kiss her [Laura] and got with her for a bit, but it wasn't as a girlfriend. I was just like, 'Wow, it's Miss England.' It was pretty cool.

    "Maybe Laura thought there was something more to it."

    Danny did admit that, if it wasn't for Laura, he never would have met his latest Miss England - Georgia Horsley.

    "Meeting Georgia was an accident really. I bumped into her at that event but I backed off.
    "Then months later she asked me out for a drink. She was such a laugh - a really amazing girl."

    "I'm not a cheat. I wouldn't have the guts to do that.
    "I was obviously a single lad at the time and having fun. I saw a girl and I fancied her. I just like good-looking girls, to be honest!"

    We're glad Danny is finally happy and settling down. Congrats to the pair.

    Read the article here.

    Also, Giovanna (Tom's Girlfriend) and Olivia tweeted about this, and didnt seem to be very pleased with everything that was written in this article:

    OliviaShawPhoto If u read the lovely article in news of the world...do not believe everything you read.

    gfalcone601 A few tweets about a certain "thing". Don't believe everything you read. PLUS, realise that the past is the past. Love to all. Xx

    OliviaShawPhoto Thanks for your support.Some people arent who u think they are.1 year down the line,I dont expect 2be dragged into nasty,inaccurate stories.

    Danny on Radio 1

    A while back, Danny was on Radio 1, talking about PSTOS. If you didnt get the chance to listen to it, you can download it here.

    Vote for Dougie & Danny

    Dougie & Danny needs some voting, you simply just click on the 5 stars after their names.
    Vote here.

    Another opera article


    As one of the lead vocalists and guitarists in the hit boy band McFly, Danny Jones has enjoyed seven number one singles and holds the record for the youngest band ever to top the pop album chart twice.

    Along with his fellow band members Tom Fletcher (lead vocals–guitar), Dougie Poynter (vocals–bass guitar) and Harry Judd (drums), Danny first achieved pop fame in 2004 when fellow pop band Busted invited them to join them on the UK tour.

    Their debut album, Room on the 3rd Floor, debuted at number 1 in the UK pop album chart and led to the band becoming known as the youngest band ever to have an album debut at number 1 – a title they stole from The Beatles. Their second album, Wonderland, also charted at number 1 when it was released in 2005.

    Since then, McFly have had sixteen consecutive top twenty singles, seven of which reached number 1 and fifteen of which were consecutive top ten singles.

    Still only 23 years-old, Danny is the youngest male in the TV opera competition and is sure to have the support of McFly's loyal fanbase, but will his arias have McFly fans voting in their thousands?

    What does Danny think about opera?

    "In this show, you're really learning something. It's very exciting. We don't just sit in the jungle eating kangaroo's private parts. This requires talent!"

    "I forget the words to my own songs, never mind arias in a foreign language! If I do get lost, I'll just make it up and have a laugh! What's more daunting is that I've got to learn each aria in just a week. That's scary!"

    "I think it could introduce opera to a whole new audience. I'm hoping to make opera cool!"

    Read it here.

    Danny opera interview

    Lead singer of McFly appears on pop Star to Opera Star but is unsure whether it will change his on stage performance.

    Danny about opera singing and McFly's new album

    Danny Jones tells us about opera singing and McFly's VERY exciting new album.

    While Rochelle, Frankie, Una and Mollie were busy taking over our Twitter and doing strange (but hilarious) things to heatgeek, heatworld was also off hanging out with Danny from McFly at the launch for Popstar To Operastar. Danny is very excited about putting on his posh voice and singing in Italian, and said he's VERY chuffed with all the support he's getting from his heatworld fans. "The support is brilliant," he said, "And the boys will be there for me, too. I've said I want them in my dressing room with me on Friday." Danny explained that when he first got offered the chance to be on the show he said no. But Tom, Dougie and Harry convinced him to "take one for the team" and he's going for it! We're mightly glad they're so persuasive. Just imagine staring at Danny¹s handsome face every Friday night for six weeks! Woop! The Saturdays¹ Vanessa White is also having a go at the old opera singing, and told us she's dead nervous about being without the other Saturdays. "People keep asking me whether we might get The Saturdays to sing opera," she giggled. "Imagine if the girls learnt some for the next album?" Now that we¹d love to see! Or hear. Danny also went on to tell us the McFly boys will be releasing their new album in the second half of 2010, and at the moment they're still writing new songs. "It's going to be brilliant," he grinned. We can¹t wait!

    Read the article here.

    Monday 11 January 2010

    Dougie mentioned in Frankie interview

    THE Saturdays' sex kitten Frankie Sandford will celebrate her 21st with a swanky hotel slumber party.

    Foxy Frankie is planning a booze-filled sleepover at the Soho Sanctum hotel this week with McFly boyfriend Dougie Poynter, her bandmates, and pals JLS.

    Our Saturdays source says: "The girls have all chipped in to make sure that this is going to be celebrated in style."

    "They've hired the whole of the top floor of the hotel, which boasts a roof terrace and outdoor hot tub, and they are all staying in top suites for the night with rooms worth around 500pounds a pop."

    The girls have just done a super-sexy shoot for a lads' mag and even filmed a video of themselves in their underwear having a pillow fight, in case we needed to know what a slumber party with the Sats might look like.

    The chorus from the male contingent at Rehab HQ after we told them about this secret soiree on Thursday? "How do we get an invite to that, then?"

    Credit: Mission:McFly

    Another Award for the guys!

    Another award for McFly! The Brazilian website http://portal.rpc.com.br/ posted that McFly have been chosen as 'The Best Show of 2009'. They had 31 per cent of the votes which is amazingly good and left other stars such as Oasis, AC/DC and The Jonas Brothers far behind them! Good job guys, congratulations!

    Credit: Mission:McFly

    Dan Walkers blog

    The wonder of Wembley

    I was playing in a side made up largely of Reverend and The Makers. Hairy frontman Jon "The Reverend" McClure had driven a mini-bus down from Sheffield with five other band members in it. Simon Webbe, of Blue fame, and Danny from McFly were playing up front while two lads from Umbro made up the 11.

    4. When Danny from McFly rattled in our fourth goal, I went to celebrate with him but got slightly distracted and missed with the right hand of an attempted double high-five. Instead of the intended palm-on-palm action, I inserted by thumb in his right eye, forcing him to leave the pitch. Not quite Steve Morrow but still pretty nasty.

    Read the whole thing here.

    Credit: Super Records & McFly Portugal

    Sunday 10 January 2010

    Frankies love confession (About Dougie)

    I didnt go out of my way to impress Dougie..
    On our first date I wore black boots, shiny leggings, a long dress and a jacket. I didnt want to look like I'd made loads of effort.

    ...And I cant remember what he wore on our first date either
    I think it was just a shirt, jeans and trainers. Its so much easier for boys!

    I got lost in love
    I split with my first boyfriend not because I didnt love or respect him, but because I had to go off and do my own thing. It taught me that when youre in a relationship, its important for both of you to have your own lives as well. I feel like Im at that stage now with Dougie.

    If I really like him, I cant play games
    With boys I fancy, I can play the games pretty well. But if Im really into him, I just tell him. Im not full-on, but youve got to be honest.

    Dougie doesnt care about my facebook status
    Facebook is great for checking up on guys youve only just met, but people read too much into it now. I hear couples arguing if one doesnt change their status. It adds too much pressure. Mine says Im in a relationship, but Dougie doesnt care what it says!

    I fancy RPatz
    Hes my favourite Twilight boy!

    I dont really do single
    I used to think boyfriends were the be-all and end-all, but now I think its important to have time alone. Being single is OK until you meet someone you want to be with.

    Love is...
    ...When youve found someone you can be yourself with, who you can argue with, but you know you wont row enough to break up.

    Credit: McFly Portugal

    Tom & Dougie on holiday

    Who wants to see what McFly have been getting up to on their holiday?

    Screeeeeam if you wanna go faster! Most celebs are usually busy sunning themselves on a beach somewhere at this time of year, but Dougie Poynter and Tom Fletcher from McFly have decided to do something a bit more fun for their winter holiday. Tom and Dougie, along with their very gorgeous girlfriends Giovanna and Frankie (from The Saturdays), have been at the Universal Orlando Resort in Florida for the past week - and they've been making good use of all the scary rides on offer. And how do we know that they're scary? Just look at the expression on Frankie's face! The poor girl's terrified. This amazing snap was taken as Tom, Dougie, Giovanna and Frankie braved the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit rollercoaster. Blimey. Try saying that when you've had a few glasses of mulled wine. It's great to see them all having such a great time, isn't it? Hope you've brought us back some Mickey Mouse ears or something, guys!

    You can read it and watch more pics here.

    Vote for McFly!

    McFly needs votes again ^^ They're currently at top, but it doesnt hurt with more votes to make sure they stay there ;)

    You can vote here.

    To vote, you only click on the 5 stars to make sure they get as many points as possible!

    Danny going opera

    Stars set for classical showdown

    It's not their aria of expertise... but that won't stop eight pop acts bidding for opera stardom.

    Corrie's Kym Marsh is already clearing her throat in readiness for ITV1's new classical reality show, Popstar to Operastar.

    Blur's Alex James, Bernie Nolan, McFly's Danny Jones, ex-Pop Idol star Darius Danesh, Shakespeare's Sister's Marcella Detroit, Jimmy Osmond and Vanessa White from girl band The Saturdays complete the line-up.

    The artists will be trained to perform world-famous opera songs - with many singing in a different language for the first time. Welsh singing sensation Katherine Jenkins will mentor the stars, along with famed tenor Rolando Villazon.

    And then - in a bizarre twist - they will be judged on their weekly efforts by rock legend Meat Loaf and makeover king and Classic FM DJ Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.

    A source said: "Thanks to Paul Potts, Rhydian and Il Divo, classical music is at the top of the charts.

    "But can just anyone turn into a tremendous tenor or stunning soprano?"

    Blur bassist James has five No1 albums under his belt, the Nolan sisters have sold more than 25 million records and McFly had seven No1 singles and two No1 albums. Little Jimmy Osmond sold more than 100 million records with his siblings and is also a platinumselling solo artist. Darius's debut single and album went in at No1, Kym's former band Hear'Say also had a chart-topping album and Marcella topped the hit parade for eight weeks with Shakespeare's Sister's hit Stay. White's band have enjoyed five top 10 singles since their debut in 2008.

    Myleene Klass and Alan Titchmarsh will host the show, which kicks off on ITV1 on January 15.

    Read it here.

    Keep up with the show here.

    And there's also been posted some adverts for the show:

    And a short clip of Danny singing opera, rehearsing for the TV show:

    And also, for all of you who lives in England or are planning to travel to England the next weeks, apply for FREE tickets to the show here.

    What do you guys think of Danny going on this show?
    Do you think he'll go far?
    Any thoughts on this at all? ^^
    We are very excited about it, and cant wait for it!

    Tuesday 5 January 2010


    The TT-Mission on New Years Eve, started by Super Records (Kel) was pretty successful! After an hour they made it with #NewMcAlbum into the Trending Topics, though the boys unfortunately haven’t seen it. Pity.
    Of course we want to wish you a happy new year as well, much luck and success and of course we hope that it’s gonna be a mc-tastic year!

    Credit: Super Records & Mission McFly Germany

    Tom saying Merry Christmas (spanish footage)

    News about backstage footage

    There are some bad News for the ones, who thought that they could see the Backstage footages, which were made on the European Tour, sometime soon.

    Mission:McFly contacted the Management and asked, when we can expect to see the Backstage Footages from the other countries (France, Holland, Germany), because as we already know Spain’s Backstage Footages were released with the Radio:ACTIVE CD in Spain. But there are bad news for us.

    “I think the way to see it in the short term would be to get hold of a copy of the Spanish version, which will allow you access to the Opendisc website where there is a short piece of film from the Spanish gigs. None of the rest of the footage taken on the tour has yet been edited and so isn’t ready for public viewing, but I’m sure it will appear on the website some time next year.“
    The only question left is when in 2010? We can’t wait for forever, can we?

    Credit: Mission:McFly & Mission McFly Germany

    McFly's new album

    Thanks to McFly France we know a few more details about the new album from McFly.

    According to the Management the album won’t be out between May and June. This of course depends on how fast the boys will work on it and on how fast they can finish the album!

    As soon es the release date for the new album is set, McFly will start to plan their next Tour. Dare we hope for Norway or at least scandinavia this time??

    Credit: McFly France & Mission McFly Germany

    Song of the decade

    McFly made it at the Voting of Song of Decade under the Top50. Here are the positions they got. You can also check the rest of the Charts here.

    46. Ultraviolet-The Ballad of Paul K

    42. Room on The 3rd Floor

    39. Don’t Stop Me Now

    37. I Wanna Hold You

    35. That Girl

    34. Sorry’s not good enough

    33. I’ll be okay

    31. Obviously

    29. Do ya – Stay with me

    26. One for the radio

    21. Baby’s coming back – Transylvania

    18. The Heart never lies

    16. Star Girl

    14. Lies

    12. All About You - Baby's Coming Back

    8. Five Colours In Her Hair

    Westlife fans of McFly

    Presspuppy released an article saying, that the boyband Westlife are Fans of McFly and JLS.

    Old timers to the pop charts Westlife have said that they like the music of JLS or that of Busted and McFly.

    Westlife’s Mark Feehily has said:

    “We love them. Ever since we started there’s been a McFly or Busted or JLS. There’s space for everyone.”

    I’m sure that the Westlife boys have nothing to fear from all the new groups that keep popping up even if they are all in competition with each other for album and single sales.

    But I think that Westlife have been around long enough that they seem to have worked out what works in a song.

    Well good luck for Christmas

    Read it here.

    Credit: Mission McFly Germany

    Spanish Articles

    In the Spanish Yo Soy Black and the Star 2 there are articles about McFly. You can find the translations for the articles underneath. Thanks to Mateo for them and thanks toMcFly Spain for the scans.

    Yo Soy Black:

    Speaking with McFly!!!
    „We thought that in Spain neither Peter would know us“
    To celebrate their “come back” we had contact them. The call was really expensive but we pay so much, we need to hear their voices…

    Suddenly you don’t stop coming to Spain… what do you like about Spain ??
    McFly: we love how passionate our fans are here, we thought that here none know us but we were wrong.

    The first time you came the fans trough Tangas and handcuffs at you, what did you do with all this stuff??
    McFly: we took them home, Dougie has taken the suxual toys , and the rest we shared it out…

    And… Were there indecent proposals from the fans ??
    McFly: hahaha, some!! But I wont tell you if we accepted them or not…

    Urchins!! You promised that the Cd would come in the beginning of 2010…
    McFly: The new one? So that was a lie, we had already recorded some bases but we have a lot of work to do yet, you´ll get it at the end of the year…

    And, how will be it?
    McFly: Absolutely GENIAL!!!

    You haven’t grandmother , do you ??
    McFly: so is it!! It is different as all what we made so far, we have a challenge and it is surprise all of our fans and we are sure that we’ll going to accomplish it…

    Sure youll do it!!What do you best like of McFly?
    Harry: the best of McFly is that we’re handsome, sincere, discrete, and sweet just like me. The worst thing is Danny. He is ugly and smells really bad, isn’t he??

    Nooo! He is super handsome too!!

    Who complains most in a tour ??
    Mcfly: all of us!! But in a positive sense, when we play we are happy so we can not too much complain.

    Who calls most your mother ??
    McFly: Dougie, he is “in love”

    The most presumptuous of you?

    McFly: ohh, that’s Danny. He always carry a lot of bags just for his shoes .

    So is it !!! what would you do if you weren’t in the band ?

    Mcfly: Harry would be forest guard, Danny garbage collector, Tom flight attendant and Dougie photograph.

    Star 2:

    McFly.After our first meeting in Madrid we took the telephone up and we talked with them .

    “Singing in Spanish would be funny”

    Star2: Hey guys! We loved your direct in the “under 18” how was your impression??
    McFly: Buah, that was incredible we didn’t knew we have so much fans, we were just impressed when we saw this lots of people there were .

    Star2: are the Spanish girls too diferents as the English girls?
    McFly: it is complicated to know but the Spanish girls gave us an incredible energy, maybe because they were too happy to see us for the first time there.

    Radio: ACTIVE has just released in our country. Which song do you love to sing live ??
    McFly: we love “one for the radio” and “falling in love” we love to see the good reactions of the people when we sing.

    Star2: you told us that you are already working in you new album…
    McFly: Yes, but we cant tell you more, we have a lot of work to do yet. You must wait until summer to get it , but you will see how good it going to be .

    Star2: Are you sure ?What are you planning?
    McFly: we want to surprise you all, that will be something original and totally different to all what we made so far.

    Star2: do you really want to do a new version from Enrique Iglesias?
    McFly: we always want to do everything but that’s not always possible, we don’t know hahah… but I think that singing in Spanish would be really funny!.

    Star2: What do you think was better: to hear “star girl” in the space or to play with the Jonas??
    McFly: to play with them was really cool this guys are pretty good, that from the space was like a dream came true for us.

    Star2: if you must add a new member to you band who would be ?
    McFly: we would like to sing with a girl but Michael Buble with his voice wold be a great member. Isn’t he??

    Star2: Ok Guys now the biggest question. Are you coming soon again to Spain ?
    McFly: Sure at December the 2nd will give again a concert in Madrid we hope to see again all of you again with the same passion like in September!!!

    Credit: McFly Spain & Mission McFly Germany

    Espanhola Top Music & Cine

    As fãs Espanholas são muito encantadoras e apaixonadas!
    Desde Novembro que podes desfrutar de uma edição especial para a Espanha do “Radio:Active”, o mais recente álbum dos McFly! Não percas!

    Tom, Danny, Dougie e Harry (ou seja, McFly!!) estiveram em Espanha nos dias 1 e 2 de Dezembro para apresentar a sua nova edição do “Radio:Active” e actuar numa sessão do MySpace. Claro que a Top Music & Cine este com eles…

    Olá rapazes! Não é a primeira vez que estão na Espanha, o que acham do nosso país?
    Danny: Adoramos, é um lugar fantástico!
    Tom: A comida é óptima e as fãs são encantadoras e muito apaixonadas. Ontem quando chegamos ao aeroporto estavam à nossa espera e foram muito simpáticas.
    Dougie: É muito estranho estar na Espanha quando está frio, porque as pessoas só vêm aqui de férias à procura do calor! (risos)

    A vossa música triunfa em vários sítios, qual é o segredo do vosso sucesso?
    Tom: Não faço ideia… É uma combinação de várias coisas. Fazemos o nosso trabalho o melhor que conseguimos e somos todos melhores amigos. Isso faz com que seja tudo mais fácil. E claro, temos uns fãs incríveis.

    E por todo o mundo…
    Tom: Sim, isso só descobrimos este ano, que foi quando actuamos em mais países. Sabíamos que tínhamos fãs na Europa, América do Sul e Austrália graças à Internet, mas agora pudemos comprovar isso pessoalmente.

    Vocês tentam dar o máximo de atenção aos vossos fãs?
    Dougie: Tentamos interagir o máximo possível com eles, por exemplo nos concertos.

    E também através da Internet?
    Tom: Sim, utilizamos o Twitter e o MySpace para estar “conectados” com os fãs.

    Actuar ao vivo é uma das coisas que os músicos mais gostam. Qual é a melhor parte de estar no palco para vocês?
    Danny: Um dos melhores momentos é quando a multidão canta contigo.
    Dougie: Sim, quando cantam e saltam!

    Lembram-se de alguma situação divertida que vos aconteceu enquanto estavam a actuar?
    Tom: Muitas! Por exemplo, uma vez o Harry caiu no meio do palco.

    Se não estivessem numa banda, o que gostariam de fazer?
    Danny: Futebol.
    Dougie: Gostaria de ser uma mulher.
    Tom: E eu gostaria de ser o teu marido (risos)
    Harry: Sinceramente não sei…
    Danny: O Harry seria um cavaleiro.

    McFly… e as raparigas!!
    Que arrasam entre as fãs já sabemos, mas têm assim tanto sucesso com as raparigas? Segundo o que nos contaram, é o Harry que tem mais sucesso, mas ele assegurou-nos que isso deve-se ao facto de ele ser o único que não tem namorada. Está comprovado que numa entrevista perfeita com eles não podem faltar “conversa, diversão e gargalhadas”. E estes rapazes são super simples e divertem-se com coisas muito normais como praticar desporto e sair para festas. De certeza que muitas raparigas não se importavam de os acompanhar, certo?

    Translation via www.freetranslation.com

    The Spanish fans are very charming and passionate! Since November that you can enjoy of a special edition for the Spain of the "Radio: Activates", the most recent album of the McFly! Do not you lose!

    Tom, Danny, Dougie and Harry (or be, McFly!!) were in Spain in the days 1 and 2 of December for present to its new edition of the "Radio: Activates" and act in a session of the MySpace. Clear that to Top Music & Movies this with them…

    Hello boys! It is not to first time that they are in the Spain, what find of our country?
    Danny: We worship, is a fantastic place!
    Tom: The food is best and the fans are charming and a lot passionate. Yesterday when we arrive to the airport they were to our wait and were very pleasant.
    Dougie: It is very strange be in the Spain when is coldness, because the alone persons you come here from vacation to the search of the heat! (laughters)

    To theirs music triumphs in several small farms, which is the secret of the theirs success?
    Tom Do not I do to plan… IS a combination of several things. We do our work the best one that obtain and we are everybody better friends. That does with that be everything easier. And clear, we have some incredible fans.

    And by everybody…
    Tom: Yes, that alone we uncover this year, that was when we act in more countries. We knew that we had fans in the Europe, South America and Australia graces to the Internet, but now we could verify that personally.

    You are going to give the maximum one of attention to your fans?
    Dougie: We are going to interact the maximum possible one with them, by example in the concerts.

    And also through the Internet?
    Tom: Yes, we utilize the Twitter and the MySpace for be "connected" with the fans.

    It act to the alive one is one of the things that the musicians more like. Which is to better part of be in the stage for you?
    Danny: One of the best moments is when the crowd sings with you.
    Dougie: Yes, when sing and jump!

    Remember of some situation amused that happened you while they were acting?
    Tom: Many! By example, a time the Harry fell in the environment of the stage.

    If they were not in a band, what like to do?
    Danny: Soccer.
    Dougie: It like to be a woman.
    Tom: And I like to be your husband (laughters)
    Harry: Sincerely do not I know…
    Danny: The Harry would be a rider.

    McFly… and the girls!! That devastate between the fans already we know, but have like this so much success with the girls? Second what counted us, is the Harry that has more success, but he assured us that that must itself to the fact of he be the unique one that does not have girlfriend. It is verified that in a perfect interview with them they cannot lack "conversation, fun and laughter". And these boys are super simple and amuse itself with very normal things as practice sport and leave for parties. Of certainty that many girls were not imported of them accompany, certain?

    Credit: Super Records (Kel)

    McFly in Star 2

    McFly: “Às vezes perdemos a cabeça!”
    Voltaram a Espanha e arranjaram um espacinho na sua agenda para nós. Passar um bocado com eles é como uma riso-terapia!!

    Olá rapazes, vocês vêm das Canárias, como correram as coisas por lá?
    Óptimo, estava muito calor! Logo no primeiro dia saímos para tomar algo.

    Gostam da festa Espanhola?
    Muito!! Vocês ficam acordados até tão tarde…

    A que horas vocês foram dormir?
    Cerca das cinco. Na Inglaterra saímos até às três no máximo!

    Devem estar super cansados…
    Um pouco, por isso hoje queremos ir cedo para a cama e dormir.

    Foi o aniversário do Dougie, o que lhe deram de presente?
    Muito amor e bons conselhos!

    Conselhos? Passa-se alguma coisa?
    Bem, digamos que ele precisa de por os pés bem assentes na terra… hahaha.

    Já estiveram algumas vezes no nosso país, o que sabem dizer em Espanhol?
    Hola chicas, guapas, buenas noches!

    Muito bem! Foi comprovado que quando vocês sobem ao palco, pode acontecer qualquer coisa…
    Nós não somos envergonhados quando estamos diante do público. Tiram-nos a vergonha toda.

    E antes do concerto, como se preparam?
    Fazemos um pouco de exercício, alongamentos, fazemos flexões… coisas desse tipo para relaxar um pouco.

    Ficam muito nervosos?
    Não são nervos, mas sentimos muita emoção.

    Estamos viciadas nos vossos vídeos do YouTube! Onde é que arranjam as ideias?
    É que às vezes perdemos a cabeça. Durante as digressões fazemos muitas brincadeiras e simplesmente sai-nos essas coisas.

    Quem é o mais engraçado de todos?

    Se pudessem fazer o vosso próprio filme, como seria?
    Teria de ter muita acção e um pouco de romantismo também.

    Vocês fizeram muitas covers de muitas músicas. Alguma nova em mente?
    Gostamos muito da What’cha Say de Jason Derulo.

    E que música vocês nunca seriam capaz de fazer uma cover?
    A “Passarinhos a Bailar”! hahah

    Como é um dia na vida dos McFly?
    Acordamos cerca das 10 horas e levamos os cães a passear. No nosso tempo livre gostamos de jogar futebol e golfe, e também estar no computador ou tocar guitarra. Agora preparamos a casa para o Natal, fazer a árvore…

    Antes de acabar, em 2010…
    Queremos ter um bom ano, divertir-nos muito, ter muita saúde e parecer como o Robert Pattinson, hahah.

    Entre perguntas e perguntas…

    - Não conseguíamos parar de rir! E é que quando disseram que o mais novo do grupo tinha de assentar os pés na terra, o Dougie, sem cerimónias, descalçou-se e mostrou os seus pés! Sim, sim descalçou-se e pôs os pés em cima da mesa! Não, não cheirava mal!

    - Além do mais, eles são os Reis dos coros! Sabem mexer o seu corpo e deram-nos uma demonstração com atrevimento. Durante a entrevista, dançaram os Passarinhos a Bailar e também a Macarena. São fantásticos…

    - Têm várias tatuagens por isso perguntamos quantas eram no total. Na realidade, o que queríamos era vê-las, hahaha. Os rapazes não pensaram duas vezes e mostraram-nos! Só de recordar esse momento ficamos com os olhos a brilhar!

    Translation via www.freetranslation.com

    McFly: "Sometimes we lose the head!" They come back the Spain and they arranged an espacinho in their diary for us. It pass a Bit with them is like a laughter therapy!!

    Hello boys, you come from the Canaries, as ran the things that way? Best, was a lot heat! Soon in the first day we leave for take something.

    They like the Spanish party? Very!! You stayed awake to so late…

    What time you were sleep? Around the five. In the England we leave up to the three in the maximum one!

    They should be super tired… A little, by that today they will want to go early for the bed and sleep.

    Was the anniversary of the Dougie, what gave him of present? Very love and good advice!

    Advice? Passes-itself something? Well, we say that he need for the well agreed feet in the land… hahaha.

    Already they were sometimes in our country, what know to say in Spanish? Hola chicas, attractive, good noches!

    Very well! It was verified that when you sobem to the stage, any thing can happen… We are not ashamed when we are faced with the public. Had
    us the shame all.

    And before of the concert, as are prepared? We do a little of exercise, extensions, we do inflections… about that kind for relax a little.

    They stayed very nervous? Do not they be nerves, but we feel a lot emotion.

    We are addicts in the your videos of the YouTube! Where it is that they arrange you plan them? It is that sometimes we lose the head. During the digressions we do many jokes and simply leave ourselves those things.

    Who is the funniest one of everybody? Harry!!

    If they could do their own film, as would be? Would have of have a lot action and a little of romance also.

    You did many covers of many music. Some new in lie? We like very of the What' cha Say of Jason Derulo.

    And that music you never would be capable of do a cover? To "Birdies it Dance"! hahah

    As it is a day in the life of the McFly? We wake up around the 10 hours and we lead the dogs it stroll. In our free time we like to play soccer and golf, and also be in the computer or touch guitar. Now we prepare home for the Christmas, do the tree…

    Before of it finish, in 2010… Will Want to have a good year, amuse us a lot, have a lot health and look like the Robert Pattinson, hahah.

    Between questions and questions…

    - Did Not we obtain to stop laugh! And it is that when said that the most new one of the group should have settled the feet in the land, the Dougie, without cerimónias, removed itself and showed his feet! Yes, yes it removed itself and put the feet on top of the table! Not, did not it smell evil!

    - Beyond the more, they are the Kings of the choruses! They know to stir their body and they gave us a demonstration with boldness. During the interview, dance the Birdies it Dance and also to Macarena. They are fantastic…

    - They Have several tattoos by that we ask as much as were in the total. In the reality, what will want to be see them, hahaha. The boys did not think twice and showed us! Alone of it recollect that moment we stayed with the eyes it shine!

    Credit: Super Records (Kel)

    Super Pop magazine

    McFly: “As fãs Espanholas são pura paixão!”
    O seu concerto das sessões do MySpace foi um sucesso total! Falamos com Tom Fletcher, cantor e guitarrista da banda que está a arrasar em todo o mundo!

    Olá Tom! Parabéns pelo novo álbum! O que nos podes contar sobre ele?
    Olá! Muito obrigado! Vocês vão adorar a nova edição do Radio:Active! Tem um DVD com um dos nossos concertos e cenas do backstage!

    Esta é a vossa segunda visita a Espanha. O que acham das vossas fãs Espanholas?
    São realmente surpreendentes! Quando aterramos na Espanha havia muitos fãs à nossa espera. Deram-nos uma grande recepção! São muito apaixonadas! Incríveis!

    Como descreverias os vossos concertos?
    Doces nas músicas românticas e energéticos nas mais animadas!

    Como te sentes quando estás em palco?
    Subir ao palco é a melhor coisa do mundo! Faz com que te sintas vivo! Para além disso ver o público a entregar-se por completo.. é uma sensação maravilhosa!

    Como são os McFly fora do palco?
    Somos nós mesmos! Sempre na brincadeira!

    Define os teus amigos numa palavra.
    O Danny é divertido. O Dougie é único e o Harry é o mestre! ha ha ha! A verdade é que são os melhores!

    Quais são os planos para o futuro?
    Gravar um novo álbum em 2010!

    Translation via www.freetranslation.com This time it hasn't translated it very well!

    McFly: "The Spanish fans are pure passion!"
    His concert of the sessions of the MySpace was a total success! We speak with Tom Fletcher, singer and guitarist of the band that is it devastate in everybody!

    Hello Tom! Congratulations by the new album! What can you count us about him? Hello! Very it obliged! You go to worship to new edition of the Radio: Activates! Has a DVD with one of our concerts and scenes of the backstage!

    This is to theirs Monday visits the Spain. What find of theirs Spanish fans?
    They are really surprising! When we land in the Spain there were many fans to our wait. Gave us a big reception! They are very passionate! Incredible!

    As you would describe your concerts?
    Candies in the energy and romantic song in the liveliest!

    As you feel when you are in stage?
    It go up to the stage is to better about the world! It does with that you feel alive! For beyond that see the public it deliver itself completely.. is a marvelous sensation!

    As healthy the McFly outside of the stage?
    We are we mesmos! Always in the joke!

    It defined your friends in a word.
    The Danny is funny. The Dougie is unique and the Harry is the master! ha ha ha! The truth is that are the best!

    Which are flat for the future?
    Record a new album in 2010!

    Credit: Fizz Whizz Pop Rocks