Tuesday 9 February 2010

McFlys secret projects

All of this is written by Kel @SuperRecords, so all credit goes to her.


What do we know about McFlys' secret projects?
According to an interview that Danny did with Heat, Tom has a secret project and Dougie has a secret project.
I think Tom's project is something to do with a musical. I know in a Japanese magazine last year he mentioned doing a musical, or something to do with a musical. Or I think maybe Tom's working on a soundtrack for a film/TV show. There were some rumours on EMI Spain's website (the music company EMI helps distribute McFly's music in Spain) about the lads doing something to with the movie 'Dragonball' (I don't know is this is the film series based on Dragonball Z) by Fox film company. Apparently Fox have said that they're not working on any projects with McFly. However, Dallas Austin is doing some sort of music driven film for Warner Brothers film company (according to Wikipedia). Coincidence?

I have a hunch, and I could be completely wrong, that Dougie's secret project is nothing to do with music. I think it's to do with a clothing line. I heard something ages ago that Dougie was supposed to working with Hurley (might've been another company) to have his own range (like Lily Allen did with New Look). This could be true because in 2008 Dougie and Harry were like walking advertisements for Hurley, they wore their hoodies and T-shirts so much! And as much as Dougie's come on in terms of songwriting and growing more confident as a performer (remember how shy he was at the start of McFly?) I can't see him wanting to do a solo music project. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm doubting his abilities, but I think he prefers to have his bandmates behind him with stuff like that.

Dougie said on 31st January 'That is all my friends. Secret project number 1 will be in a few weeks. Ba mush ba x'

I think another project that the band is doing as a group is something for Sports Relief. This would explain the football Mondays, all the running they've been doing. If they are doing something for Sports Relief, it would explain why they've had to be so secretive about it. Let's be honest, charity is the only reason Dougie would do anything like exercise haha! And it also kinda matches their timing for a comeback? Ant, Frankie, Gi and Carrie have also tweeted about running. Family affair or what?

Before the UK tour McFly had recorded drums, bass and most of the guitar on 12 songs (although Tom later said 9 songs on twitter, he told me 12 on myspace), but with the vocals to records after the tour. They or Tom at least were still working on the lyrics during the tour because they hadn't even been finished! They'd written and recorded the music side but not the words. But as we know Tom was ill with tonsilitis after UCATTIP so I assumed the studio sessions got called off to preserve his voice for South America. McFly still hadn't finished writing lyrics by the time they got back to the UK. Tom said they had another big bunch of songs to start recording mid summer 2009.

According to an article on Digital Spy some time last year, the album is supposed to have a science-fiction theme. Dougie said, "It will absolutely kick ass - it is going to blow your heads off. The whole concept of the album is really cool. It's more the story we've been working on, think McFly meets The Forbidden Planet."

But from what I heard, halfway through 2009, apparently McFly found a new 'sound', one that they said was better than the one that they had been working on, so they changed musical 'paths' and decided to work on that new style. I don't know if this means that they completely abandoned the songs that they had been working on, or whether they've managed to apply their new style to them or what. I think this might actually be true though because I know that a lot of the stuff that they're doing in 2010 has been delayed by a couple of months. The rumoured UK tour for example was supposed to be happening in March. But the fans that met McFly while they were in America with Dallas said the lads said the tour was now happening in October.

There was a rumour that the album was going to be called 'Take That'. Tom said this isn't true. Unfortunately. I would actually pay McFly to name their album that.

There's a new song called 'Hotel On A Hill' and it's mostly piano.

There were two oldish rumours are that McFly were doing a rap with a proper rapper from America. At first I thought this was a load of rubbish but then they hooked up with Taio Cruz (who I know is British). McFly have written ten tracks with him and are hoping that he's going to produce one. And then they went across to America to work with Dallas Austin. Dallas and maybe his friend Naz Tokio, are supposed to flying across to the UK to work on four or five songs. It's hopefully going to be this month (February) but we'll see. Now that Danny's out of Popstar To Operastar it means he's completely free pretty much to work solely on McFly stuff. Two of the rumoured tracks done with Dallas are called 'Foolish' and 'Mona Lisa', but that's just speculation based on their conversations on twitter. Also that one of the 'Folloish' song lyrics might be '...foolish to let misery...'

The other oldish rumour was that McFly were trying to do a duet with a female solo singer. Apparently the management wanted Kelly Clarkson but it wasn't looking like it was going to happen. I've heard nothing more on that.

Danny's housemate Ant Brant, Tom's sister Carrie and Danny's sister Vicky have been in the studio with Tom, Danny and Jason. I don't know if this is for their own solo stuff or if that's anything to do with McFly.

Here's some other stuff that Tom's said about album tracks:
1. One of the songs begins with the word/abbreviation 'I've'. Which is an awful lot to go on.
2. One of the songs is apparently the greatest love song ever. Tom said it was at least until he started singing on it ha ha
3. One of the songs is like Star Girl, in that it's about female aliens but it's a lot more subtle than Star Girl.
4. And there's also the 'feel-good' song of summer.
5. Another song according to @tommcfly - '...It's about doing bad things and leading people down the weird, dark, scary path...'

The album is supposed to be inspired by Michael Jackson and Prince. The Daily Star revealed this 'exclusively' on 5th February 2010. Unfortunately it was also in another Japanese interview that Tom did, which was published back in August 2009. Exclusive my fanny.

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