Thursday 29 April 2010

We're back.. Kinda..

First of all, sorry for the lack of news on this blog. It's not because there havent been any news, cause there has been a lot, but we've been busy with school and other obligations. But we're back now, and gonna try keep it up with all the news, but we still got school, exams and other stuff still.

To make it easier for us, we're just gonna start blogging the latest news, and post links to the older ones (which you guys probably already read...) down below.

Band/album news:
As for album news, we're gonna try and do a follow up, and collect all the things that havent already been mentioned on this blog, so stay tuned!

Dougie & Frankie news:
There are of course many more articles on this, but these explain the most of it.

Random news: