Monday 30 November 2009

Las Palmas Videos

We found some video of Saturdays gig on Gran Canaria on youtube. Have a look!

Falling In Love

One For The Radio

There are more vids out there too, but these were the best we could find for now :)

McFly article about Las Palmas gig

On saturday McFly played at a festival on Las Palmas. We've found an article where they talk a bit of McFly, and here it is. It's translated from spanish, and I've tried to be as accurate as I can, but there might be some mistakes as I'm not superb in spanish.

"More than 10,000 people met last night on the parking place of 'Infecar' in Las Palmas at Gran Canaria to enjoy the festival 'Gran Canaria 40 Pop'. It lasted for more than five hours with concerts with quality names of the musical category; Emilia de Poret, Chenoa, Rosa and McFly."

"And then it was time for one of the most anticipated performance of the night. The band from London, McFly, with the record of being the youngest group in reaching a number one spot in its country, performed yesterday with great success for the first time in Spain.*"

*As we all know, this wasn't the first time they played in Spain, it's the second.

Read (and translate) the whole article here.

Danny's tattoo

Okay, so Holly had a pic of Danny's new tattoo as well... Well, not the whole, but the top of it, and you can see some of it says "Searching for..." and a bit of a birds head. It's not much, but for all of you curious souls ot there (like me) you now know a tad more of what his tattoo is about/of. ^^

One of my friends suggested that it could be "Searching For My Soul" which is one of Bruce Springsteens songs, so it does make sense. Anyone know if he said anything about it being Springsteen related?

Fanpics from the Master Class

I've talked with a lovely girl, Holly Faulkner, who was one of the lucky ones who got to attend McFly's Master Class. She could tell that they parted up in groups, got to write songs with the guys, and later on some of them got to sing with Tom and Danny. She also said that it (of course) was the best day of her life! That's very understandable! ^^ She was kind enough to let me post her pics from her day with McFly, so here we go!

You can see the rest of the pics here.

Pics from the Master Class

So Premier 21 posted some pics from McFly's Master Class on facebook. Here they are!

You can watch all of them here.

Video's from Master Class

Soo there's been a few videos posted on Youtube and Twitvid. Here they are!

Jamie Gilder posted this on Twitvid. It's him singing the song "Cry" (a re-written song of Lies) with Tom and Danny as back up singers.

McFly playing piano

Louise Jones singing with Tom and Danny

Jamie Gilder singing with Tom and Danny again

Tom and Danny singing one of the groups lyrics. Harry as the lyric holder, haha

Tom and Danny singing Falling In Love acoustic

Heat's (full) interview with the guys

Being big fans of McFly ourselves, we knew that you'd all want to know every word that came out their lips yesterday. So, we've put up the whole interview just for you to enjoy. Don't say we never do anything for you...

Tell us about today. What have you been up to?
Tom: We’ve been doing a Celebrity Masterclass, where we’ve been trying to pass on some knowledge to a group of 26 people...
Danny: [Interrupting] 26 youths.
Tom: We’ve been talking about our career over the last six years. It’s been good talking about the bits of our job most people don’t get to see, like the behind-the-scenes stuff. Like, coming up with ideas for videos, or the album artwork, or recording...
Harry: Yeah, it was good. We first of all talked about how we got into it, how it all started for us, our journey, how we all met, and our record deal. All that kind of thing, and then we split them into three groups, and first we talked about song-writing and lyrics...
Tom: We did a breakdown of our song Lies, explained all the lyrics and how we came up with it. Normally we don’t get to say, really.
Harry: Then we set them a challenge to rewrite the lyrics to Lies, the verse and the chorus, in pairs, and then in each group they chose the best lyrics to perform.
Tom: They did good, didn’t they? It was only, like, an hour.
Danny: It was really, really good.
Harry: That was our thing, Tom was saying about their song-writing and lyrics and coming up with ideas, you have to dare to suck, just get out there and do it. Don’t be afraid. They did really well with it, and to just get up there and was awesome. Me and Danny talked to the groups about production and recording an album, and Tom and Dougie talked about the creative side of things, while Tommy our tour manager talked to them about touring and stuff, so they got an insight into everything. In the end, the guys [Tom and Danny] played them a little tune (Falling In Love – it was amazing), and it was a good day.

Do you think that a lot of kids assume the way to get famous is to do The X Factor or similar?
All: Yeah.
Tom: That’s the thing. I think a lot of them were kind of surprised by how much work goes into it. You know, hearing about how, when we’re writing songs like now, when we’re writing songs for our next album, already we’re coming up with what the next tour stage is going to look like, or what the artwork’s going to be like.

As this point, the boys get distracted by a signed picture of them on the table (the same one you can see above). Danny has noticed that Harry is “popping out” on the end, and finds it very funny...

Danny: Harry’s just popping out of there! That’s the worst picture ever.
All crack up.
Harry: I can’t believe they did that to me! Why did they do that?
Tom: [Laughing] It’s like a panto photo!
Danny: It’s like your picture when you work at GMTV.
All crack up again.
Harry: I could be a GMTV presenter...
Danny: You could with that!
Tom: That should be your Twitter profile picture!
All laugh.
Harry: I look like Ben Shephard!
Dougie: You do, yeah, I think that’s it.
heatworld: There’s nothing wrong with looking like Ben Shephard...
Danny: I’m Tweeting about this interview!

After we’ve all compared who has the most followers on Twitter and talked about how good Harry looks in a cricket jumper, we get back on track...

Do you think you’re good role models for young people?
Danny: I can roll quite a long way...
All fall about laughing.
Danny: A forward-roll model!
Harry: I think we are.
Dougie: I think so, yeah.
Harry: We’re quite well-behaved.
Danny: That’s quite a tough question.
Tom: I think we are, in comparison to other people. I think the fact that we work hard at our job means a lot. Obviously a certain amount of luck is involved, and we have a one-in-a-million type job, but it does take a lot of hard work to do this. We sit somewhere in the middle of a pop boy band and the creativeness of a rock band. We have the best of both worlds.
Danny: The best of both, like the bread.
Tom: Like that middle advert. It’s good to be in the middle. We’re semi-skimmed milk, that’s what we are.

Has there been one bit of advice, throughout your career, that you’ve always remembered?
Harry: When you’re going through hell, just keep going. I love that quote.
Dougie: When you’re going through hell, just keep going?
Harry: Just keep boshing it. Just bosh it! Epic, isn’t it?
Dougie: That is cool. Who’s it by?
Harry: Winston Churchill.
Danny: That is cool!
Harry: That makes it even cooler.
Tom: I think I’ve seen that on Call Of Duty 2.
Harry: I remember Robbie Williams at The Brit Awards after-party, me and Dougie were talking to him and he said something really nice and gave us some advice. He was like, “Enjoy yourselves.”
Dougie: Be the band you want to be, not the band you think you are. Tom Delonge from Blink 182 told us that.
Harry: Dougie loved that!
Dougie: I loved it. I went home and was like, ‘Yessss!’ I got an erection.
All laugh.
heatworld: You got an erection?!
Dougie: [Laughing] Nah...
Danny: We can’t take you anywhere, can we?

Has there been one person who has been the best teacher for you guys?
Harry: We’ve kind of learnt along the way and been there for each other. We’ve always been together.
Dougie: We kind of taught each other as well. If I started being a bit of a knob, then I know one of these [gestures around the room] would tell me.
Tom: Our management have been great, too.
Harry: You know, we enjoy it, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
Danny: Well, we do take it seriously.
Harry: We take it seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We take what we do very seriously.
Dougie: We don’t think we’re the most amazing band in the world...
Danny: Yeah we do!
Harry: [Deadpan] We do.
Dougie: We’re not like, I am legend.
Danny: [Laughing] I am London!
Tom: We are my favourite band, that’s true. [Laughing] We’re amazing. I think I would really like myself, if I wasn’t myself.
Dougie: But every time you see yourself on TV, you always go, ‘Oh no,’ like that.
Tom: I hate myself on TV.
Danny: I think I’d be really jealous of McFly.
Harry: I wouldn’t.
Danny: I’d be like, ‘They’re so scabby.’ I’m so jealous.
Tom: Look at those poor talentless twerps – how did they make it?
Harry: I wouldn’t like you if you said the word ‘twerps’!
Dougie: I love ‘twerp’.
Danny: Makes me think of a Twirl. Mmmm.
Harry: Do you think if you were exactly the same person, but you looked different and you met you, do you think you’d like yourself?
Tom: I’d be jealous of their normal chin.
Harry: No, you’re the guy with the normal chin.
Tom: Oh... Then I’d probably hate him.
Harry: I think I’d think I was quite classic. [Laughs.]

Do you think you’d ever do anything like this again? Another masterclass?
Harry: Our manager was like, ‘Harry, you could be a college professor.’ And I was like, ‘Really, what would I teach?’, and he was like, ‘You’ So I was like, OK...
Tom: It’s quite fun. If the person is genuinely interested, then it’s really great. When Dougie was talking it was a little bit...
Dougie: [Interrupting] Amazing!
Tom: [Laughing] Yes, amazing. I would like to do it again, yeah.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in McFly?
Tom: Professional Tweeter.
Dougie: Burglar.
Harry: Shagging...
heatworld: Shagging? Does that mean you don’t now...?
Harry: [Laughs.] I don’t know why I said that! I don’t know what I’d be doing, being a hobo apparently.
Danny: You’d see him in, like, Rio de Janeiro walking down the street.
Dougie: I’d be, like, hanging out...

Can you tell us anything about the new album?
We went out to Australia in February to do some recording, and then along that way we sort of found a new direction, halfway through the recording process. We came home, then we had the tour earlier in the year, and then we went out to Brazil and Europe, so we were touring for most of the year and now we’ve just started writing again and er...

Danny has started laughing at the photo of Harry “popping out” again...

Tom: [Distracted] And, so, we’ve kind of got a new direction we’re exploring...

Danny is trying not to laugh and it sounds like he’s squeaking...

Tom: And, like, this whole year, because we haven’t released anything, we’ve spent the whole year planning what we’re going to be doing next...

Danny, Dougie, Harry and heatworld are all now laughing.

Tom: [Laughing] You can’t have a serious conversation about this...
Danny: [Almost crying with laughter as he holds up the picture] It’s signed!
All crack up.
Danny: It’s signed like he’s proud of it!
Dougie: I’ve got to put that in my wallet.

A lot more laughing as Dougie attempts to fit the picture of Harry into his wallet.

Tom: Anyway, we’re writing up until about February, then we go back into the studio around then I reckon.

Will there be a UK tour next year?
Tom: Definitely! We’ll definitely tour next year.
Harry: [To heatworld] Will you come?
heatworld: Yeah!
Tom: We’ll release something first, because we haven’t released anything this whole year.
Danny: Release a dove.
All laugh.
Tom: We’ve got some quite different plans for next year. Not sort of music related, but something new. Something quite exciting... It’s really boring talking in the creative stages, because we can’t say anything. This whole year has been setting up stuff.
Danny: It’s pretty epic.
Tom: Much more so than we’ve ever done before.
Danny: Lots of exciting things, but they just take a bit of planning.

Harry: Do you want to ask us one more thing? Go on...
heatworld: OK. Harry, why don’t you Tweet more often?
Harry: [Groans.] That’s a bad question!
heatworld: Lots of people were asking that on Twitter today.
Harry: Tell them I’m aloof. [Laughs.] That’s a great word. He’s being rather aloof today! I love it.

You can read the whole thing here as well.

McFly's Master Class article in Heat

McFly become Masters Of The Universe (sort of)

When we were at school we often had trouble concentrating in class, but we bet we'd have paid more attention if our teachers looked like this! This weekend the mighty McFly turned teachers for the day and hosted a very special Celebrity Master Class run by Santander’s UK current account brands Abbey and Alliance & Leicester. Tom, Danny, Dougie and Harry were joined by 26 teens who all had a interest in the music industry (and McFly, obvs), and they spent the day passing on their words of wisdom. Described by some excited girls at the studio in North-West London as the best day of their lives, the whole event was a massive success. Naturally, heatworld was there to grab the boys for a quick chat at the end of the day, and they were full of enthusiasm about how the day went.

"It’s been good talking about the bits of our job most people don’t get to see, like the behind-the-scenes stuff," Tom told us. Harry then added, "We set them a challenge to rewrite the lyrics to Lies in pairs, then in each group they chose the best lyrics to perform." All four lads were impressed by the talents of their students, with Harry telling us, "To just get up there and was awesome. Me and Danny talked to the groups about production and recording an album, and Tom and Dougie talked about the creative side of things, while Tommy our tour manager talked to them about touring and stuff, so they got an insight into everything." So, do the boys think they're good role models for young people? "I think we are," Tom told us. "I think the fact that we work hard at our job means a lot. Obviously a certain amount of luck is involved, and we have a one-in-a-million type job, but it does take a lot of hard work to do this."

McFly say they've had to teach each other a lot along the way, with Dougie telling us, "We kind of taught each other as well. If I started being a bit of a knob, then I know one of these would tell me." Harry then assured us, "We take what we do very seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously." The lads wouldn't give away too much about their new album, but they did tell us it will be out next year, and that they will be touring the UK *screeeam*. There's also something else in the McFly pipeline that sounds rather exciting... "We’ve got some quite different plans for next year," Tom confided. "Not sort of music related, but something new. Something quite exciting..." Danny then told us happily, "It’s pretty epic." We can't wait to find out more.

You can read the whole thing here as well.

Danny drinking caipirinha (video)

CofTV posted a video of Danny in Brazil drinking Caipirinha (a traditional brazilian alcoholic drink) that was filmed before one of their shows.

McFly in 'Twitter Book'

"One profile, four times the pleasure" apparently, according to the bio of the official McFly Twitter. Quite funny at times, with points like "guess the elbow" keeping things light.

Danny & Georgia written about in Daily Mail (and several others)

McFly rocker Danny replaces Miss England '08 girlfriend with '07 model

When it comes to must-have gadgets and cars the general rule is the newer the better. But it seems this rule doesn't apply to Miss England models.

Pop rocker Danny Jones from McFly has replaced his Miss England 2008 girlfriend with Miss England 2007, according to newspaper reports.

The lucky musician first dated the '08 beauty queen Laura Coleman after they met at the Miss World finals in South Africa.

The 23-year-old chart topper ditched his long-term girlfriend Olivia Shaw, 25, for Laura soon after the meeting and they went on to date for a number of months.

But now sources have revealed a 'mystery blonde' seen on Danny's arm recently is none other than Georgia Horsley, the winner of Miss England 2007.

It seems Danny, whose hits with McFly include That Girl, is irresistibly drawn to long lustrous locks and dazzling white teeth.

The girlfriend swap happened after the cheeky chap was invited to this year's Miss London competition.

The event was co-hosted by close friends Georgia and Laura but attendees reported Danny was soon showing a decided preference for 22-year-old Georgia.

'You could see that Danny and Georgia were going to get together. All the chemistry was there,' a friend of Laura's said last night.

'Laura really cared about Danny,' the friend told The Sunday Mirror.
'It's particularly hurtful that he's run off with Georgia.'

However, a Miss England spokeswoman insisted Laura and Georgia are still friends despite the new relationship. She said the Miss England camp wished the new couple 'all the best'.

You can read it here.

Similar articles can be found here:

It's also mentioned on lots of other small sites.

McFly's collaboration with Taio Cruz

News from McFly on their new album! This week this was posted onto Flecking Records. Here is the article:

"You'll never guess who McFly are working with...

If you had asked us to guess who McFly would be writing with next, we probably wouldn't even consider this person - Taio Cruz.

This gossip is straight from the horses mouth.

Tom Fletcher tweeted earlier today: "Been writing all afternoon with Dougie, Danny and Taio Cruz. New song sounding killer! Already discussing the stage lighting cues."

He later tweeted that he was receiving mixed reactions from the fans. "Put your trust in me, this album is going to be our best. Have I ever let you down?"

We can't wait to see what they come up with!"

And neither can we! If you don't know who we are talking about when we say Taio Cruz, check him out here.

Tom's tweets about the collaboration:

“Been writing all afternoon with Dougie, Danny and Taio Cruz. New song sounding killer! Already discussing the stage lighting cues.”

“Put your trust in me, this album is going to be our best. Have I ever let you down?”

Dougie also tweeted something about it:

“Awesome writing day! A good song has morphed into a killer song with a little sprinkle of magic from Taio Cruz.”

“Your all going to need new underwear when you hear it.”

Taio Cruz is a British Songwriter and R&B singer. This lets us guessing which new music direction the boys found for themselves. Tom becalmed us by saying we should trust him. Well then!

Source: Mission:McFly & Mission McFly Germany

Sunday 29 November 2009

News Of The World Childrens' Champions

Our 2009 Awards, last March, were presented by Shane Richie and former Spice Girl Emma Bunton. And previous acts have included Westlife, Ronan Keating, Rhydian, the Sugababes, The Saturdays, teen operatic sensation Faryl Smith, and McFly.

We'll be announcing this year's acts soon - so watch this space.

Check out it all here.

Source: Superrecords (on twitter)

Tom in Heat's spotted section

Tom from McFly in Disney's Soda Fountain and Studio Store in Hollywood with two ladies.

Source: Superrecords (on twitter)

"Just My McFly?"

I think we've posted this link before, but in case we haven't, we'll post it again for you guys to read.

More news on this McFly reality show, TV thing that we told you about in last post. It seems that, instead of a TV thing, this might turn into a film! In a month old Spanish article FOX popped up, and instead of talking about a reality show, they mention a McFly film. cadena Fox proyecta para 2010 una película con la banda como protagonista...

Of course most of us don't have a clue what that means, but after a quick online translation, we found out that it means as much as 'the chain Fox projects, for 2010, a movie with the band as the protagonist...' so with McFly as the main character. Once again, these could just be rumours, but it has been popping up in more than one place now. To read (and translate) the entire article click here.

Source: Mission:McFly

McFly having their own show??

Let's make this clear before you read on; these are rumours and we do not know if they are true or completely made up. It's been popping up on several websites for quite a while now, but nothing has been confirmed (yet). Now that you know that we do not proclaim that what you're about to read is the truth, you can carry on.

It was the news quite a while ago; McFly and their own reality show. The idea was that McFly would go to America and try to make it big over there - the same sort of thing that Busted did in their MTV show 'America or Busted'. Even though these rumours were only around for a little while and never progressed, we all forgot about it and carried on. Nothing happened, so these rumours must have been untrue, right?

Well, now the rumour has popped up again! We all love to gossip, but now that big names are getting involved, we're not sure if this is just a bunch of rumours or the actual truth, like we said above. It's going around that Fox, that massive American company, is incredibly interested to do a series on McFly and their journey through America. We're not sure if it would be a reality show, or a staged thing, but we know for sure that we'd like it very much if McFly were to have their own TV show. Especially if it would be the actual reality, not them acting... we've seen that before, and we know that the only good actor McFly has, is Tom. No, we like it better if they are themselves and don't read out lines.

Do you think these rumours are true? And do you like them? Or do you hate the idea of McFly in their own show? Let us know!

Source: Mission:McFly

Pixie Lott Asked About That Rumour

This weeks More Magazine features an interview with Pixie Lott and she was asked about that rumour about her dating Danny. Here's what she said:

So, is there any truth behind those rumours that your were dating Danny Jones from McFly?
No we're just friends. We met at V Festival and then we went out with a group of other people. We're not dating or anything. He's a nice boy though.

Source: McFly Unofficial

Katie Price mentions McFly

In an interview The Guardian did with Katie Price, also known as Jordan, she shortly mentioned McFly in a rather negative setting.. It's to be said that she didnt diss McFly personally, but artists and bands in general.

"I don't believe in just taking pictures with a group of disabled kids just to get my picture in the papers," she said, straight afterwards. "Which is what a lot of people do. Look at [boy band] McFly. They did a song all about the tsunami. Did [the money] really go to the people who needed it? Let me see, if any of those bands were to do a whole charity album. And dedicate the whole album to charity. Me and Pete are the only people I know who've done that."

Read the whole interview here.

Source: McFly Portugal

Danny Jones' ex confirms the Georgia Horsley rumours?

Flecking Records wrote an article about the whole Danny and Georgia rumour.

Welcome to Episode 4 of “Who Is Danny Jones’ Mystery Blonde?”

We reported last week that Danny’s Mystery Blonde was rumoured to be Georgia Horsley aka Miss England 2007 – yes, another Miss England. Read that story here.

We spotted McFly’s Danny at a Lost Prophets gig a couple of weeks ago, getting in his new Aston Martin with a Mystery Blonde. Read that story here.

Then, Danny was spotted with another blonde at Butlins. Read that story here.

Of course there had been no confirmation of any kind, until Danny’s ex Oliva Shaw apparently confirmed it on Twitter, after our friend Melisa said to her “You heard about Danny dating Georgia Horsley? She was Miss England in 2007!”

@oliviashawphoto replied with “Yes indeed that’s true” – is this Olivia’s way of confirming that the rumours are true?

Watch this space!

The article can be found here.

Danny briefly mentioned in The Sats article

When we're not thinking about Danny McFly's beefed-up body, Robert Pattinson's dreamy eyes or Danny Dyer's sexy voice, then we're thinking a lot about what we'd like for Christmas this year.

The whole article, can be read here.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Get McFly on this!

So, on Rolling Stone's website you can put up your choice of Album of the deacade and Song of the decade. This is where you gotta put in McFly obviously..

But it's easier to get them in there, or maybe even to win if we all put the same! So what about Radio:ACTIVE as the album and POV as the song? You know what to do! ;)

You can nominate McFly here.

Digital Spy Children In Need article

Didn't like this one that much to be honest..

Children In Need singles have never been regular No.1s like their Comic Relief counterparts - Pudsey can't have been happy when last year's effort, a double A-sider from McFly, stalled at #18 - so this time out Auntie's drafted in Peter Kay.

Check out the whole article here.

McFly in Las Palmas

I really do know that this is a bit late, seeing as they're actually performing there today in front of 10 000 people! And I also know that I've posted some of this info before, but not all of it.. Anyways.. Just some info about the gig ^^

If you’re considering to go, all you need to know is:

Day: 28th November 2009.

Time: 21.30

Venue: Recinto Ferial Infecar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Where to buy the tickets: Discos Noda, 40 principales Gran Canaria (radio station) or “La Caja de Gran Canarias” (bank).

How much does it cost?: 10 euros.

They’re going to perform with artists like Chenoa, Emilia de Poret, Lucas Masciano, Ragdog, Maria Villalon, Guru Josh Project, Melocos, etc.

Source: McFly Spain

McFly in Ragazza

McFly in spanish magazine Ragazza. It's translated online, so allow mistakes.

Was there is short time that came for the first time to our country. It looks that they liked the experience, because in the beginning of December are going to come back. You are capable of them resist?

In the day 24 of November arrives to the Spain the Radio: ACTIVE, as is this DVD?
It is very good! hahaha Not, to grave, has a lot energy and feel us really proud of him.

If do not I mislead myself, you already are it prepare their fifth album, certain? Yes, we passed some time with you plan it patrol to our head, but we have a lot work by the front.

As want that be?
Very different than already we did so far. Our objective is going to astonish the fans with somewhat original.

By the way, what found of the Spanishes?
They are very sweet and they transmitted all their love. We stayed happy by know that they are so passionate.

They hear Spanish music?
Well… we like Enrique Iglesias, to its music ping-pong is genial. Also we like the Gipsy Kings, hahaha

That others groups you like?
We like to uncover news bands. Already you heard Village People? Also we like very of the Briânicos Kaiser Chiefs.

I am going to aim! They contain me, what would go to find went to one of your concerts?
What we are going to do is that all the persons that be presents itself amuse very. You would not go to regret, because you are going to pass a good one Bit with some very funny boys.

By it speak in that, as is the perfect party for the McFly?
Should have good music. It is good when you are you it control, nothing of DJ' s and by the volume in the maximum one. Also they cannot lack the friends, with you can go and do what will you want.

Which is to better part of be in a band?
It be in digression and go up to the stage is to better sensation of the world. It touch our music for the public and obtain to amuse is them best.

And to worse?
Wake up early!

For it finish, can leave a message for theirs followers?
Clear that yes! They are one of the best things that we have. The most important one are going to thank them for us will support and them say that inside very short time we will come back the Spain for them see of new.

Source: McFly Spain & No Go Queen

"Best Boybands Ever"

Good-looking young men with great haircuts have been the lifeblood of pop music since teenage girls first screamed at Frank Sinatra back in the 1940s. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that the boyband as we now know it was born.

You could claim the Bay City Rollers or even The Beatles were the first but they were both clearly products of the rock era. If you accept our definition (which, of course, you don't have to) of the boyband as a male vocal harmony group with largely choreographed stage moves, then New Edition (featuring a young Bobby Brown) kicked things off. Their success led directly to the formation of New Kids On The Block, who in turn inspired N-Sync, Take That, and countless others.

Anyway, enough of the history lesson. We set Laura Atkinson the task of identifying the 12 greatest exponents of the genre. This is what she handed in.

1. Backstreet Boys
2. Blue
3. Boyzone
4. Bros
5. Busted
6. McFly
7. New Kids On The Block
8. N-Sync
9. Take That
10. Westlife
11. Wham
12. JLS

Like N-Sync to Busted's Backstreet Boys, the same management team formed Mcfly after Busted split, based around lead singer/songwriter Tom Fletcher who had briefly appeared in the original Busted lineup. Alongside Danny, Harry and Dougie, Mcfly were the youngest band ever to have a number one album - Dougie was just 16 years old at the time. Film appearances followed, liaisons with Hollywood film stars - Lindsay Lohan and Harry - and Comic Relief singles, and the band released two number one albums, before leaving their record label to form their own, Super Records.

The lads also get a very brief mention on JLS's section
Since the height of McFly's success, the boyband scene has been pretty quiet - until now.

You can check out the whole article here.

Source: No Go Queen

Thursday 19 November 2009

Another gig in Spain!

McFly will be giving another concert on the 28th November in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) on the 40 Pop Festival.

- Start : 21.30

-Tickets: 10,00 Euro

More informations can be found here. (In spanish though!)

Source: McFly United

McFly perform for Myspace Spain (Blog from the guys)

"McFly are performing live for a Myspace Session in Spain on December 2nd. Spanish fans head here for details of the show."

The concert will be, as far as we know, broadcasted live on Sesiones Myspace.

The concert is for free, but unfortunately there is conditions, which we can’t fulfill.

Flecking Records' article about Danny & Georgia

After being seen with a 'secret blonde girl' several times, we can now confirm who it is! McFly's Danny really seems to be into 'Misses', because after dating Miss England 2008 Laura Coleman, he now has made his way to Georgia Horsley, who won the Miss England title in 2007.

Fun fact; Laura and Georgia have presented one or more events together, to which one Danny came to watch and support his then-still-girlfriend Laura. Daily star wrote a piece about this when Laura and Danny were rumoured to have broken up, but then secretly got back together... Giovanna Falcone (Tom Fletcher's girlfriend red.) confirmed on twitter that this article was false, so now we wonder... was Danny there to cheer on Laura... or Georgia? Daily star even wrote 'He had turned up to support her and he was really proud of the way she ran the show with co-host Georgia Horsley, the previous Miss England.'

We don't know about you... but she looks a lot like previous girlfriend Olivia Shaw... so, this might be Danny's perfect match right? A little bit of Olivia, melted together with a little bit of Laura. Could this be any more cliche?

Link here.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Danny's new girlfriend?

Lately there's been a lot of rumours going around Danny and a possible new girlfriend.

The last days it's been said that this blonde beauty is Georgia Horsley (Georgia won the title as Miss England back in 2007), and we found a pic of Danny and a girl who looks alot like Georgia together. We also saw a vid of the guys arriving at Butlins, and there is a blonde girl that arrives with them, and she looks a lot like Georgia too. However, we cannot say for sure that they're dating, but they might be. Nothing's been confirmed from Danny yet, and the last we heard from him was that he was still single.

But if this turns out to be true, then good for them! Wish them all the best ^^

Watch the video here.
(You can see her around 0:35)

Tuesday 17 November 2009

McFly at Butlins videos

Here are some close up videos of the guys at Butlins. The boys played a few acoustic songs, including some old ones like Not Alone, I’ll be okay and Too Close for Comfort. They also did a little cover of I got a feeling from the Black Eyed Peas.

I Got A Feeling

Not Alone

I'll Be OK



Source: Mission McFly Germany

McFly in Hey! magazine

McFly are in the Hey! Magazine as a poster. The picture is really old, from one of their first photoshoots, and Danny also made a statement about what he wants for Christmas. Haha, cheeky lad!

" McFly-Singer Danny Jones (23) have just one wish for Christmas: “Sex! I don’t need more to be happy!”. Ookay Danny. "

Source: Mission McFly Germany

Saturday 14 November 2009

Tom on Twitcam

Yesterday, McFlyfans did it again! They got #tommcflyontwitcam on Trending Topics at number 1 on Twitter!

Soo, after Tom wrote this, he decided to go on Live from Twitcam. Couldn't really see him though, but his cat and a "doll" of himself made for him (by some brazilian fans I think?) and also a Darth Vader "doll". If you wanna watch, here it is ^^

Friday 13 November 2009

Mashable's 2009 Open Web Awards

Vote, by nominating in whatever the category you want too. Of course I'm thinking we should nominate our boys!

Vote here!

Concert in Spain

Check out this video of Harry and Tom talking about their concert in Spain. The concert will take place on the 2nd December and I guess it's safe to say it is official now. They also talk aboutthe release of the special edition of Radio:ACTIVE, which will release at the end of November in Spain.

Check out the video here!

Source: McFly Spain

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Take McFly's survey!

New blog from the guys!

It’s All About You Baby - take McFly's survey

Let’s hear about YOU! Come on, open up and tell us your innermost secrets!! OK so we don’t need to know that much detail… but McFly do want to hear all about YOU. All it takes is 5 minutes of your time to complete their online survey. There’s are a bunch of easy questions that will really help McFly connect with you, get to know you a bit better and make it easier to give you what you want. It’s a chance to tell us the kind of things you like, what you CAN’T STAND, how you spend your time, what’s hot and more importantly what’s not.

So open up and let McFly get inside your head.

Click here to take the survey.

Information about the spanish gig

More information about the gig in Spain december 2nd (translated online, so not a good one, but as always you'll understand the most important parts):

McFly Spain managed to get some info from GO Spanish about the visit of McFly in Madrid December 2nd. It will be a small concert and even though it's not the Secret Shows, it's gonna be somewhat very similar. The CD+DVD "Radio: Active Live at Wembley" is also going to be released in Spain the same day and it's going to contain somewhat exclusive material, such as a documentary for example. However we do not know how correct this is. Here are some information about the concert:

- THE location where they are going to play will be revealed this/next (?) thursday on MySpace.
- THE concert is open for all ages.
- THE capacity of the location is around 400 persons.
- THE entrance is free. To find out more, click here.

Source: Fizz Rocks & McFly Spain

Danny spotted with blonde beauty

We've written about this before; Danny seen at the Lostprophets gig with a mystery blonde and his new Aston Martin. Here's the article about it (Flecking Records):

"Whilst we were out at a Lostprophets gig last week, we spotted a rather tanned Danny Jones heading around the back of the Forum in London, hand-in-hand with a mystery blonde. At first, we double checked that it wasn't Pixie Lott, as there have been many rumours flying around! It wasn't. But she was pretty, and she was blonde. Who could it be? Danny then headed over to the car park, and picked up his car. It wasn't any old car... it was an Aston Martin! Fancy Danny. He then drove off, and disappeared out of site. We wonder who this girl is... watch this space Fleckers!"

Source: McFly Portugal

JLS vs. McFly

As Tom tweeted yesterday: Just read that JLS are the first UK band to have 2 number 1's in one year since we did it in 06. Well done them...but we'd like that crown back next year please.

NME also reported on the action:

JLS score second number one single of the year
Former X Factor act knock judge Cole off peak
JLS, the boyband who rose to fame on last year's X Factor show, are tonight the number one act in Britain with their second single. The track, 'Everybody in Love', has knocked show judge Cheryl Cole from the top where she has been for a fortnight with 'Fight For This Love'. According to the Official Charts Company, JLS are the first British act to score two number ones in one year since McFly in 2006.
Girls Aloud singer Cole remains at number one on the album charts with debut long-player '3 Words'. Bon Jovi have seen their new album 'The Circle' enter the chart at number two, Foo Fighters 'Greatest Hits' enters at four, while classical singer Katherine Jenkins makes number nine with 'The Ultimate Collection'. Other new entries on the top 10 are Kesha's 'Tik Tok at number six and Chase & Status feat. Plan B’s 'End Credit at nine. Snow Patrol enter at 15 with new track 'Just Say Yes'.

The UK top 10 singles this week are:
1. JLS - 'Everybody In Love'
2. Cheryl Cole - 'Fight For This Love'
3. The Black Eyed Peas - 'Meet Me Halfway'
4. Jay Sean (feat. Lil Wayne) - 'Down'
5. Alexandra Burke (feat. FloRida) - 'Bad Boys'
6. Kesha - 'Tik Tok'
7. Michael Buble - 'Haven't Met You Yet'
8. Westlife - 'What About Now'
9. Chase & Status (feat. Plan B) - 'End Credits'
10. Lady Ga Ga - 'Bad Romance'


Source: Fizz Rocks

Tom felton about Tom Fletcher

Under a interview Tom Felton was asked about his relations with McFly, and he told them about Tom and himself talking about switching lives for a day. It's the part near the end ^^


Vote for Dougie!

Our own Dougie Poynter is nominated to the XSexiest lad. And that is certainly a thing for Dougie to win! So please vote, you can only vote one time each.


Tuesday 10 November 2009

McFly in Loud! Webmag

It's from the issue that has Lady Hawke on the front, pages 40-41.

McFly to host music master class for hopefuls

Tom Fletcher, McFly's lead singer commented: "We have been ver fortunate to have had good advice and great people working with us since we started out. We've had seven number one singles, two number one albums and now our own record label. We've learned and been educated about the music industry over the years and look forward to passing that on through the Santander Mentor programme."

McFly have been named as the final mentors of the 2009 Celebrity Master Class programme run by Santander's UK current account brands Abbey and Alliance & Leicester. Designed to provide inspiration to 16-21 year olds, McFly will host a Music Master Class that will provide insight, tools and tips for breaking into the usic industry, whether it is in front of the microphone or behind the scenes.

New research by Santander bank reveals that two thirds of men (67 per cent) and 55 per cent of adult women who did not opt for higher education say that it has not hindered their career and nearly half (47 per cent) of young people feel that practical work experience is just as advantageous as higher education.

Andy Bayes, Head of Santander's Abbey and Alliance & Leicester Current Accounts comments: "I am pleased to announce McFly as out final 2009 mentor. They are still young and have been an incredible success. McFly are offering hints and tips on the dedicated website, and there is also a chance to attend a mentor day with them to hear how to become successful in one of the many careers the music industry offers."


Source/Credit: Fizz Rocks

Dougie and Frankie to duet?

This has been written about before (mentioned on our page too), but Flecking Records has also written about it, in other words, but with the same story and interview.

The Saturdays singer Frankie Sandford is taking guitar lessons from her boyfriend, McFly bassist Dougie Poynter, and is hoping they can duet in future.

Frankie - who has been dating Dougie Poynter for almost a year - is already having musical lessons from the McFly bassist and hopes to take their creative venture even further.
She said: "We should do a duet. He is so talented and he's teaching me how to play the guitar."

She has also revealed that things are going so well with Dougie, who she recently moved in with, and that even her parents think he's great.

She said: "He has definitely got them on side - they love him. We are both so busy and have never lived in each other's pockets, so it works. We get on really well. He's my best friend and we don't ever argue."

She added: "We don't put pressure on ourselves. Besides, we don't see ourselves as a celebrity couple. We keep things a bit private."


McFly on WDR

McFly landed on the WDR’s Voting for “The 200 best Bands of all time” on the 72th Place. That’s not bad, if we consider that there were 200 bands and McFly are not that known in Germany.

McFly were also played with “5 colours” on the same radio.

Source: Mission:McFly Germany

Sunday 8 November 2009

New vid from Tom

Tom posted a vid of the fireworks Danny set up for them as a celebration of Guy Fawkes day.

Danny does a pretty awesome firework display every year. Please stay safe and don't copy us!!!!!


Win tickets to see McFly at Butlins (by Real Radio Wales)

Real Radio Wales is doing a contest where you can win the chance to see McFly at Butlins. Please check out the Rules before you enter!

Real Radio has teamed up with Butlins to give you the chance to win a Butlins McFly Arena break for 4 people.

The prize includes 3 nights Gold accommodation at Butlins Minehead from 13th to 16th November and not only will you get to see the pop rockers perform live but you will meet them as well!

Also performing will be the X Factor star that leaves the live show on Sunday 8th November, plus Britain’s Got Talent George Sampson!

Butlins have also given Real Radio listeners up to 50% off their next 2009 or 2010 break, plus an extra £20 off per booking made before 31st December 2009. So take advantage and book today.

For more details on great offers or talk to the Butlins team on 0845 070 4737 and quote code 507 for your extra special discount. To find out more about Butlins and their 3 beachside resorts, vist and get a new brochure and free DVD.

Normal Real Radio terms and conditions apply
Butlins terms and conditions

Closing date: Thursday 12th November 2009 – 09:00


Source: Mission:McFly Germany

Friday 6 November 2009

McFly coming back to France next year

McFly are according to McFly Spain and McFly's manager Mike Allen doing a gig December 2nd in Madrid. This has not been posted on their MySpace yet, so we are still a bit unsure if this is a gig, or if it is for anything else.

In addition EMI music Spain published an article on their side, where they admits that McFly's radio:ACTIVE CD+DVD and the Wembley DVD will appear in spanish stores at November 24th.

McFly France has therefore contacted the management and asked whether McFly also is going to visit different countries in December (among other things France), where the following answer was:

“This is only for Spain this time. France is up next year again”

Source: Mission:McFly Germany

McFly Record Dragon Ball Theme Song?

2nd to last paragraph translates as this on google translator:

…McFly have recorded this year the main theme of the movie Dragon Ball, in 2008 wrote the official single charity Children In Need, the Fox network planned for 2010 film starring the band…

At the moment this is all speculation but it could be one of Tom’s many secret projects, who knows?!

Source: McFly News

Capricho compares McFly and Jonas Brothers

This was originally a spanish (?) article, but Kel (Fizz Rocks)have gotten them translated online. Therefore, it's a bit rubbish, but you get the main point I guess..

The explanation for that supposed comparison of successes is in the geography! Read and understand... If you are fan of the McFly and prefers the British to the Jonas Brothers, with certainty already should have asked by that they are not going to do the same success that the Americans. Perhaps you already have questioned by that the show of them is not the most greatest of the world – or at least so big as much as the of the Jonas Brothers, is not even?

Then know that the explanation for that supposed rivalry is in the geography! Therefore they are fairly those classes that speak of international geopolitics, of the economic might of the countries and that you find that has to do with your nothing real life that go to help you it understand that.

The Jonas Brothers do much more success because they obtained be inserted in more markets fonográficos that the McFly. It is not alone this way that the Americans are a success. They already began conquering the most greatest market of the song of the world, that is the birthplace of them, the United States.

Already the McFly does not have the same success that the Americans and still did not conquer so many territories, specially the most greatest of them, the land of the brothers Jonas.

But it is not alone the rivalry between the bands of pretty boys that is explained by the discipline. The Geography also explains because the girls of Gossip Girl dress more and better that the group of boys of 90210. (the answer for that you see further down)

We separate five hints for you stayed star in geography and uncover answer to other questions as those.

1) Basic: Geopolitics falls in the Enem
If you are studying for the Enem, know that the dates 'round' and geopolitics should be charged in the test of humanities. The questions should mix present subjects and the historical context of the events. Understand more as will be that test of the exam.

2) it See film that help to learn how to discipline is Not alone of books that you are able to be prepared for the Enem. That such change the notebooks by the popcorn and the sofa? See the film that help you to understand of the disciplines.

3) it Researches facts about any country of the world THE The World Factbook, site of the CIA, head office of American intelligence, I possessed facts brought up to date
about any country of the planet (population, territory, national language). The guide of the agency is in English, but help you it uncover, by example, that the total area of the United Kingdom, where is passed the history of Harry Potter, is of 243,610 km2, barely to same thing that the state of São Paulo. Know others nine lawful sites for study history and geography.

4) his Test knowledge about the world doing simulated A good hint for stayed star in any discipline is going to do tests for evaluate its knowledge. Geopolitics and biomas world are important matters at the right moment of the tests. Put his geographical knowledge in practice!

5) Read, read, read! The GUIDE OF THE STUDENT threw a special one about the discipline for help you to give well in the tests: is the Geography university entrance exam + Enem. The publication brings the 63 subjects of the geography that fall in the tests, hints about the natural catastrophes that more changed the world and images and graphic that help to understand our planet. See more here!

Oh! The answer for the question about the clothes of Gossip Girl x 90210 is simple: the climate of the two regions is different. The serial one of the double one of Serene friends and Blair is passed in new york while another is passed in Bervely Hills, that stayed in Los Angeles, Califórnia, a hotter a lot land because stayed more near to the line of the Ecuador.


Credit: Fizz Rocks & McFly Spain

McFly in german and czech magazine

McFly are in magazines again! They’re in the German “Mädchen” with a short article and a rather old picture and in the Czech “BRAVO” with a Newcomer-Check.

Credit: Mission:McFly Germany

Thursday 5 November 2009

New blog from Tom

Written on their MySpace page today:

Blog blog blog!

Evening all,

Hope you're all well. Sorry Not blogged much. To update you on what we're doing, we are spending the rest of the year writing and making demos for our next album. We have written a lot of songs since Radio:ACTIVE and started recording some of them earlier in the year in Sydney. There were a couple of songs that really stood out above the rest and in the recording sessions we realized that we'd found a new direction that we thought could be really interesting and different.

So since then we've been focussing on writing. We never want to just go through the motions of the writing and recording process and always want to push ourselves to be the best band we can be. We know these new songs we're writing and developing are going to be the best we've ever made and will blow you away.

We're really thinking outside the box and are planning some amazing things so bare with us. It'll all be worthwhile.


Frankie about moving in with Dougie

How are things going with Dougie?
[Giggles] Really well.
He went on stage and got down on one knee...
That was so embarrassing. I said, "Get up, you idiot!"
Did you think he was going to propose?
No, we've only been together for just over a year.
Do your parents get on well with him?
He has definitely got them on side - they love him.
You have moved in with him. Is it true he cleared the house of all blokey things for your arrival?
That was the plan, but it hasn't happened. We plan on moving somewhere else, so maybe he will then.
Have things changed since you moved in?
We are both so busy and have never lived in each other's pockets, so it works. We get on really well. He's my best friend and we don't ever argue.
Do you ever worry about having a romance in the timelight?
No, we don't put pressure on ourselves. Besides, we don't see ourselves as a celebrity couple. We keep things a bit private.
Could there be a McFly and The Saturdays duet?
We should do that. He is so talented and he's teaching me how to play the guitar.
You met Peter Andre recently. Should Dougie be worried?
[Laughs] No, of course not! Peter was really nice and he's getting better with age. He was a bit too skinny though. We were worried about him. He needs to eat before he fades away!

Credit scan: McFly Portugal

Dougie mentioned in Saturdays interview

A reader wrote in saying that Frankie and Dougie make such a cute couple, she wouldn't be surprised it the rest of you fancied him. So, do you?

Mollie: (laughs) OMG, we couldn't possibly - he's like my brother now! But he is a very handsome boy.

Rochelle: (to Frankie) Someone's written in asking if any of us secretly fancy Dougie. Oh yeah, me! (laughs) Seriously, no, that's so wrong!

Una: No! We're all completely loved up with our own boyfriends.

Vanessa: (laughs) I really don't think so!

Credit: McFly Portugal
Source: Fizz Rocks

Heat Magazine, Spotted section

Danny, Tom and Dougie from McFly and Frankie from The Saturdays singing along to Green Day at the o2 arena.

Credit: McFly News

Danny singing at a Bolton pub

Remember Danny tweeted about being at that bar in Bolton? The onw he worked at when he was younger?

Well, @jamiegilderuk was actually there and uploaded a video to twitvid.

Credit: @jamiegilderuk
Source: McFly United

Wednesday 4 November 2009

McFly Butlins concert is now HALF the price

Event Details:

Date: Weekend of 13-16 November 2009 (3 night break)
Venue: Butlins, Minehead Resort

This limited HALF PRICE offer for the McFly concert break is now from only £55 (was £110) per person#! But don’t hang around book now – this offer is for a limited time only and will sell out fast!

McFly return to Butlins Minehead once more for another fantastic family Concert weekend break. The atmosphere was totally electric when McFly rocked the Minehead stage in front of 5,000 cheering fans in 2006! So we’re delighted to welcome the guys back for another weekend of McFly magic in November.

Credit: McFly United

Frankie and Dougie in The Sun

FRANKIE SANDFORD and MCFLY star DOUGIE POYNTER had to settle for the rather unoriginal school uniform look, after an unsucessful late dash to a fancy dress shop in Soho.

My spy said: "I saw them run to the fancy dress shop but when the got there the owner said they were shut.

"Frankie looked very stroppy."

Dougie and Frankie Halloween

On saturday Dougie and Frankie were seen at a Halloween Party in the Taman Gang Club. The Halloween Party was also the birthday party of Vanessa White(from The Saturdays), who celebrated her 20th birthday on the 30th October.